Thursday, November 30, 2006

MLM Is a Moving Parade

People join. People quit. Some never even start – they peak when

they sign the application.

You want coachable people with a strong desire & work ethic. They’ll

build your business. You’ll recognize them, because they’ll raise their

hands and tell you who they are. They will send you their “WHY.” You

then mentor them to productivity, and they become part of your spider web.

Now … you can’t treat people like numbers. But the more people you

talk with, the better chance you’ll run into the one who ALREADY has

a web of thousands and brings a ton of monthly income for you. That

happens when you work this business.

Did you know that most Americans at

age 65 have a minus net worth?

You and I can’t change that.

DM will NEVER help them.

The ONLY Person To Spend Your Time On

But you & I can sure help a few of them …the ones who tell us they

want our help. It’s not up to you to chase them down. You’re looking for someone who’s looking for you.

When you find them, mentor them, and train them to build their own

web. Those are the people who return the trust and loyalty that make

this such a wonderful business.


Thing That Matters!

10 Mistakes Everybody

Makes Selling Hamburgers

Let’s say you & I are each opening fast-food restaurants. And we

make a side bet about who can sell the most hamburgers.

What advantages would you most want

to help you win our bet?

You want Grade A Black Angus beef?

Sesame seed buns?

You want a tasty veggie burger for the non meat-eaters?

The best, crispiest fries?

Ambience? An atmosphere where people love to come?

Or maybe uncomfortable chairs … so they eat and get out in a hurry?

A playground for the kids?

Lowest price? You want THAT, too?

You are one tough cookie. That is for sure.

But OK. Done, done, done, done, done, done, done, and done!

What’s that? You say I’m holding back?

You want the best location, too?

Oh. My. God! You’re killing me here!

OK, fine. You get the busiest crossroads in town.

Matter of fact, I’ll give you ALL OF IT!

Every advantage you want, you’ve got!


Good for you.

Myself, I only want ONE advantage. And if you give it to me, when it

comes to selling hamburgers, I’ll whip the pants off you.

The only advantage I want is … a MOB OF STARVING PEOPLE!

You’ve Got a TON of Homework Tonight!

In MLM, I see people all the time who study, study, study, research,

research, research … to find the PERFECT product. Some spend

months or even YEARS preparing to actually DO something!

It sounds crazy, I know. But I swear, it’s true.

Fact is, there are a TON of products in the MLM world that are 90%

great, or better. And whether you have a 91%-great product or a

96%-great product has ZERO bearing on whether you are successful

or not.

So just pick a good product. TODAY!!

Then spend your time studying people … and learn

how to find the people STARVING for what you offer.

What do your distributors & customers want most passionately?

How do their desires drive them to a buying decision?

What gets them in a frenzy when they look for an opportunity? What

makes them turn away and look for greener pastures?

Do you REALLY think it’s your product or your compensation plan?

MLM is first and foremost a people business.


It's you and me together creating an effect much greater than just

the sum of the parts.

It’s profitable because your people use your products. And you also

get paid when THEIR people use your products, on down a few levels.

Take a Bus Driver To Lunch

No matter what you learn in this lifetime, nothing will be more emotionally or financially rewarding than learning about people.

It’s worth your while to spend time with people you don’t know, who

do jobs you’d never dream of doing, just to listen to them, find out

about them, ask questions.

I’m not talking about recruiting. I’m talking about relating.

Any time you spend now getting to understand other people & how

they think, will reward you many times over in the future.

Work Smart – Fail Forward

If you could work for 3 years and build something that pays you

$50,000 a month, wouldn’t you rather do that than build something

that only pays you $5,000 a month?

Nail Your Prospect’s Passionate Sweet Spot

One question I’d hear over and over was,

”Why Do Some People Succeed, While Others NEVER Do?”

And the answer that kept coming up over and over again was, successful people made the effort to understand what really makes people tick … what motivates them … why they make the choices they


That is what really led me into the personality studies.

400 years before Jesus Christ, the Greek physician and philosopher

Hippocrates wrote about the four basic personality types.


Color To Success

I know of no other subject that when used correctly can have such a

positive impact on your life and your business.

This stuff works.

People fall asleep when you say "phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholy

and choleric". But they understand colors. And you can easily learn to

color your way to the top.

Following is a brief synopsis of our training:


Yellows make up 35% of the population. They are nurses, schoolteachers, UN workers … the nurturers. They give from the heart.

They don't have time for themselves, because they give to everybody.

Yellows have built some of the largest organizations in network marketing ... WHEN they have the belief they can do it.

How To Sponsor A Yellow

To color your way to the top, you need to learn to be a chameleon.

Yellows don't want to be sold. They don't like pushy, aggressive


When you talk with a Yellow, become a Yellow. Slow the pace. Contain your excitement. Lower the volume. Yellows see excitement as

hype, you trying to sell them. Don’t tell a Yellow about making

$10,000 a month, because they’ll turn right off.

Instead, visit with them. Skip the business. Talk about their family,

their kids, their vacation.

Yellows cannot work in stair step breakaway-type compensation

plans. They have to be in a plan where you can put people under

people and people under people. They’re best in any kind of “infinity”

plan that pays them to work deep, deep, deep.

They’ll never be happy in a unilevel or a stair step breakaway plan

where you put 5 people on your front line, until you hit a certain volume amount, then you put another 5 people on your front line, etc.

Success in this plan requires all your time spent on massive

first level recruiting. This doesn't work for Yellows.

MLM industry stats show the average network marketer only ever

sponsors 2.7 people.

So if your Yellow sponsors 3 people ... if they have to go 5 wide, then

they haven't done anything. But at 2 wide, then they can put 1 of

their 3 underneath somebody.

And other average people can sponsor 3.

Now you've got some spillover. And then here and there you get a

serious business-builder who sponsors 8 or 10 people a month, and

you get more spillover. When more people work together, you get

more synergy. So THAT compensation plan works great with the Yellows.


BLUE’s “just wanna have fun.” They're 15% of the population.

They're always in a sales business of some kind. They jump from

program to program to program, looking for fun. These are the

planet’s most creative people.

A Blue sees the big picture instantly. They don't need or want all the

details. Blues can eat an elephant, but not at one meal.

How To Sponsor A Blue

They're same as the Yellows as far as the comp plan. In the same

comp plan, they can go deep, to create massive spillover and a lot of

stuff happening quickly for them. That gets them excited, and they’ll

stay in the business.

With a Blue, talk excited, get excited. Talk about going scuba diving,

sky diving, having fun, fun, fun. That's what they want. "Hey, when

you meet me at the airport, I'll be wearing a Hawaiian shirt. You'll

know me. I'll have a big, funny hat on." That's what they want to talk


They’ll talk about vacations & family, but most of all they want to talk

about fun things to do.


Greens are 35% of the population. They're the analytical people.

They analyze it to death. They've missed millions of dollars in opportunities because they analyzed it too long.

Greens can take Blue's idea to the next level. They work well in any

type of complicated compensation plan. They like to figure out the

Super Star Space Commander bonus that's paid out on the 3rd, 9th,

& 12th levels, every other full moon.

How To Sponsor A Green

Greens believe they're the smartest people on the planet. With a

Green ... in 2-3 minutes, you'll know you have a Green. They want

ALL the details.

You are NOT going to sell them. Don’t even try. They have to sell

themselves. They'll go to the web site, they'll listen to the conference

call. Then they'll go to the next website and the next link. If you have

27 links on your website, they'll go to every one. They'll read all the

testimonials, all the articles, etc.

Enunciate all your words correctly for a Green. Don't speak too fast.

Don't speak too slow. Be upfront. Give them all the information. Answer all their questions. Give them more websites to go to.

If you call in the meantime to answer questions, they'll be abrupt.

They see that as you being pushy. Let Greens analyze the information at THEIR pace.

In a week or 2 or 3, they’ll call back for more information or ready to

start. They’ve sold themselves; decided this is the perfect business.

Greens want to feed a Blue the elephant in one meal. And that's the

way the Green will build the business.


Reds are 15% of the population. They are money-motivated, money-

focused. Don't bother talking to them about your family or your vacation. They don't care.

They know if you get married, you're supposed to have kids. If you

have kids, you're supposed to go on vacation. End of story. Don't

want to talk about it.

How To Sponsor A Red

They want to talk about the money, the money, the money.

Reds do well in a stair step breakaway compensation plan, because

they think network marketing is a sales business. For them, it's sell,

sell, sell. In a stair step plan, they can put 5 people on their front

line. If only one produces, they never go back and put somebody underneath them. They're just looking for producers, somebody who

will build, build, build.

The Red knows that once that first productive person in the first

group of 5 hits $50,001 volume, they'll then break away. And the

Red's override drops from 15% to 5%, because the other 10% goes

to the person who built it.

That's fine for the Red, because they understand their job is to find

another Red and keep getting those 5% retentions. For them, it's a

sales business.

Reds are the corporate CEOs, the "get-the-job-done" people,

the ones everyone in network marketing is looking for.

But it's a fallacy. Reds are just 15% of the population, and they are

absolutely not coachable. They have the biggest egos. They order

people around. It works in corporate America, but not in network


When a Red demands that people get on conference calls, he drives

his people away.

On the other hand, Reds are well-connected. You want to sponsor

Reds because they’ll put you in contact with powerful people. They

know business owners, governors, leaders, etc.

So target Reds. But don't dare think you're going to coach them or

mentor them or tell them what to do, because it's NOT going to happen.

Let them do it themselves. You really have no choice, anyway.

But network marketing is NOT a sales business.

It's a teaching and mentoring business.

That’s what I learned early from Tom "Big Al" Schreiter.

When you find people massively successful in a stair step breakaway

type comp plan, they are the Reds, the salespeople. But with that

type plan, retention is very low. If they recruit 100 people in a year,

they've got just a handful left by the end of the year.

But with a Yellow, if they get 100 people in the business, they'll teach

& mentor. They’ll work down deep in the organization and they may

have 60 or 70 still active after a year.

Saddam Hussein Meets Dr. Phil

Everyone is a blend of colors, showing different personality traits at

different times. Now I’ve never met Saddam Hussein, but from what

I’ve seen, he seems a pretty “hard sell” guy to me. Very red. And

lesser amounts of analytical, fun-loving & caring for people.

Wouldn’t you agree?

My guess would be 75% Red, 12% Green, 8% Blue, 5% Yellow.

So what would happen if Saddam met, say … Dr. Phil?

My guess on Dr. Phil is maybe 40% Yellow, 25% Red, 25% Blue, and

10% Green.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Teasing and Testing Your Traffic

Getting visitors to come to your Internet site is the crux of the success of your home business online marketing promotion. You can build the greatest home business Internet site but if its marketing and promotion doesn’t bring users to the site it’s useless. Once those visitors are coming to your site your tracking software can let you know which pages they view and for how long and what brings them to the site and what page they are on when they exit the site. All this information helps you improve your site and the online sales process for your home business Internet marketing and promotion.

Your online marketing and promotion plan for your Internet home business should include the following goals:

* To get instant low cost traffic to your site so that these users can let you know if your Web sales copy works, if the order form is right, if the navigation is easy and if the opt-in e-mail offer is productive.

* To test whether the sales process you have set up online does the optimal job of converting your home Internet business’ Web traffic into the greatest number of sales.

* To bring the greatest number of consumers to your Web site in the least amount of time.

* And to assure that putting your Web traffic marketing and promotion campaign on autopilot successfully grows your Internet home business.

When it comes to testing your Internet site prior to home business online marketing promotion a lot of entrepreneurs don’t know how to test and what to test. The basics that you need to look at are the ordering process, the sales copy, the opt-in e-mail offer and the navigation of the site. The ordering process must be designed with the assumption that the consumer who buys from you has never done so online before. Make it so easy to navigate that the Web novice won’t give up in frustration.

When looking at the sales copy on your site you want to pay close attention to how captivating your headlines are, how clear and influential the benefits are spelled out, that the guarantee is prominent and clear and that there is a strong call to action.

The opt-in offer must be prominent and just about mouth-watering. The point of testing this is to make sure that you’re getting the contact information from that consumer. You know can lure them to your site time and time again until they say otherwise.

The most important thing to look at when testing your site’s navigation is to make sure that someone who wants to buy your product or service online can do it in two easy clicks. More than that and you start to lose the interest of this instant-gratification audience – especially if your market is under 35 years of age.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Your way to financial freedom !

In this article, I will cover just a few of the main benefits of working with GDI as an affiliate. These are benefits that anyone can enjoy simply by working with me

1) Low Cost: Anyone can get involved as an affiliate of GDI for just $10 per month. In comparison to other home businesses available, this is usually at the very low end of the cost spectrum. We've proven that it's possible to earn BIG incomes in GDI, without spending a fortune to get a business up and running.

2) Huge Target Customer Base: Another great benefit to working with GDI is that potential prospects for our product are EVERYWHERE. Individuals, small businesses and even non-profit organizations are great potential customers for GDI. The benefit to you is that you don't have to be a seasoned advertising expert to attract new business. Even just starting out as an affiliate, most people are able to get referrals with just a little work.

3) Easy to Run: One of the nicest benefits of being an affiliate of GDI is that there is no product that must be stocked, and your business can be run by just you. As a result, you save a lot of time and effort most brick and mortar businesses would spend training employees, doing payroll and managing stock. Instead, you just show people the GDI product and you get paid!

4) Flexible Schedule, No Geographic Limitations: As an affiliate of GDI, you can work your own hours. You decide when and how much you work. You can also decide WHERE you work. It doesn't matter if you're working from home, an office or even the beach. As long as you have the basic tools necessary to run your GDI business, you can do it from anywhere, and at any time. You can also recruit people from anywhere in the world, not just locally.

5) No Pay Limitations: This is one of the nicest benefits of being a GDI affiliate. Most "jobs" pay you based on your qualifications, work experience or what degree you hold. With GDI, what you earn is dependent on the overall amount of business you help bring to GDI. Even if you never graduated high school, you can earn $20, $50 or even $100's per hour after you've worked to build an organization. Some of our affiliates earn as much for each hour of work as many doctors and lawyers do.

We're sure as you sit and think about it, there are many benefits to working with GDI that we haven't even mentioned here. Think about tax advantages, having fun working with friends or taking days off whenever you need them.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Making Extra Money Online With Affiliate Programs

There are a number of ways to make an extra income online. One way that stands out is Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate programs are programs that will allow you to advertise and sell someone else's goods and services for a commission either through direct salesmanship or through advertising. You will receive a percentage of the sales that you generate for your sponsor or partner.

One thing that is essential to your success with affiliate programs is making sure you have your own website. Making money online will not be too difficult as long as you have a well-designed site with a regular flow of visitors. Most of the work you will need to do in affiliate marketing will involve creating, improving and also tweaking your website so that you can have more traffic to your site.

There are two tips you might want to consider when building and upgrading your website. Following these tips will assist you to creating a much better site, thus enabling you to generate superior returns for your efforts.

Know your market. It is very important that you lay the right foundation, so spend some time in researching what is currently available with a reasonable compensation package. Your site should cater to a definite market. You will make less money if you do not resist the temptation to have a site that caters to one and all. Instead, analyze the current market and decide on the area that can yield the most profit for you. Without specialization, your efforts will be wasted in too many directions with the results that you may achieve mediocre results in all areas, but never outstanding results in one or two areas. A very real danger that must be avoided will be spreading yourself too thin. You're much better off choosing a topic or product that you know and love, than picking five topics or products that you know nothing about. You will not being making money online if you do not specialize. Succeeding in affiliate marketing actually does require work...lots of it, at least in the beginning.

Advertise intelligently. Because you are a website builder, you must always keep the end product in mind. Ask yourself these questions. Will your finished site be something that people will want to get more of? Will they want to visit regularly, or will they be turned off by what is there? A number of website builders make the mistake of just putting up banners and links wherever they can. If it were you visiting the site, would you actually bother to click on these ads, especially when they are nothing more than a nuisance? You might be able to earn a few dollars using this method but in the long term, you could not possibly hope for long-term success. Have your prospects in mind when building your site. Ensure you will be providing a product or service they need and want.

In affiliate marketing, as in all other businesses, many people scrape by while others make a fortune. The difference lies in the strategies that they will use and also in the intelligence they apply to their efforts. You owe it to yourself to be part of this elite few. As long as you stay focused and committed to excellence, making extra money online will not be difficult for you.


Work At Home Internet Business Opportunities

What Is Available?

A great number of people are forever searching for that perfect work at home Internet Business Opportunity so they will be finally able to say goodbye to their day job and work from home. The Internet Business, now more than ever is booming. You can be sure to find a work at home business opportunity no matter where you are or what you do. While some easily find a good Internet Business that allows them to make a decent living while others are spending hours scouring the net only to find nothing but junks, which are useless to them. This will depend on how well-informed you are.

The key to finding a work at home Internet Business Opportunity is to study the business you have selected to get into. Today, there are a number of Internet Marketing Business magazines out there that offers leads and information about Internet Business trends. By reading these magazines, this is going to help you find and decide what will work for you. Another way is to go online and join forums. You can ask around and find many forum posters who are willing and able to assist you find something. At some sites, forum posters are even quick to post links on the topics you are interested in. These links will prove to be very useful and helpful for you.

To save a little bit of work, this article will outline some of these most common work at home business opportunities that are out there.

Affiliate Programs: A list of work of home Internet Business Opportunities is not complete without mentioning Affiliate Programs. Hundreds of thousands of people now make a full-time living in those flourishing industry. In an Affiliate Program, you often earn commissions by selling someone else's product or advertising their site. It is a very simple concept. You will sign up with a partner company, help them to sell their products or raise awareness of their company and you get paid for your services. It will probably be best to build your own website if you plan to make some money here. You can but some site generators or simple ask someone to do it, if you do not have the technical knowledge to do this yourself. Some affiliates will already have a site already built for you.

Online Data Entry: This is another straightforward position. In many cases, data entry simply requires that you key in some information into forms that is provided by your employer. At times, some training is needed to get started [and also a start up fee]. It is nevertheless a simple job. This is one of the easiest ways to make money over the internet as long as you find the correct employer.

Writing: As you can imagine, writing is an important part of the growth of the internet. You can probably start writing for pay on the internet if you are reasonably literate and learn quickly. There are an unlimited number of topics that you can write about, as well as a number of writing formulas that are available. Some examples you can choose to write are content articles, an e-book or simply run a blog. Work at home Internet Business Opportunities are never lacking online for excellent writers.

Paid E-mails/Surveys: This is another pretty straightforward work at home Internet Business Opportunity. With paid e-mails, you will be asked to read and open e-mails for a small fee that you are paid. You will need to click on the link in your email that will have your account ID number that you are given when you joined. Now with paid surveys, you are asked for your opinion on a variety of subjects; and again you will be paid a small fee or earn points. You will need to register at all the survey sites you can. Most e-mails and surveys come through an intermediary. Just as in online data entry, you will most likely be charged a joining fee.

MLM or Network Marketing: MLM or Network Marketing is not as hard as it seems. This is when you will actually recruit other sales people into an organization or down line in order to sell products. This type of marketing has been confused with illegal pyramids in the past. But in actual fact some of the largest marketing organization such as Avon, Tupperware and Amway to name just a few can all be categorized as MLM. No matter if you are selling a product or service, with network marketing you can increase your sales in no time at all. Generally speaking, Network Marketing does not cost a thing. All you do is find people to network with and get started. It does not get much easier, and cost efficient than that.

Web Designing: Depending if you are advanced in art, web designing could be a very lucrative business considering the number of websites being launched everyday. Where do you look for this business opportunity you ask? Offering your services as a web designer to your friends would be a good start considering if you do not have the money to start an advertising campaign for your services. You can also join building sites offering web-designing projects. Most building sites are known for its low prices due to the fact that many service providers are willing to offer rock bottom prices. However, there is no harm in getting a couple of low paying project to get started and add some credentials.

While this small list of work at home Internet Business Opportunities is not covering everything available, it does give you some idea of where to begin. So try a few of these out and see which works best for you!


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Learn to Earn

One of the major points, besides making lots of money, of having an Internet home work income business is to be in charge of your life. An Internet home work income business is about working the schedule you want to work, wearing the wardrobe you want to wear, setting up the home office you want to have, and being your own boss. While no one (or at least no one legitimate) would ever tell you that an Internet home work income business is a breeze to start and make a lot of money at, those who have been there and done that and succeeded will tell you it’s wonderfully stimulating and satisfying – no matter what the financial outcome.

Financial outcome, however, is an important factor in any business, including an Internet home work income business. Training is one of the major factors in succeeding at any business, whether online or not, home or corporate. There are some things you must know about running a business in general, and working in your business’ industry in particular, if you are to earn the income from your Internet home work business that you desire.

One organization that offers online training is Success university. While it is a multi-level marketing firm and you’ll be buying from someone who has their own Internet home work income business, it does offer substantial business help at a reasonable cost. With the help of this school you can train on your computer from home. Topics include sales, leadership, self-improvement, communication, finance and real estate, among others. The initial entry fee is a mere $2 and that gets donated to the Save the Children fund.

What you’ll get for $2 is two weeks of complete access to the school’s curriculum. If after that period you’d like to continue the cost is about $50 a month. Courses are streaming video and audio and there’s an e-mail lesson once a week and workbook that is downloadable. An audio MP3 presentation can be downloaded as well.

An achievement program is also part of the package and included in this is a daily (Monday through Friday) lesson on many business topics. You’ll also get invitations to teleseminars presented by entrepreneur and executives as well as entry into 20 archived seminars.

Free bonuses with a value exceeding $800 are part of this 14 day package. Courses include speed reading, tax reduction tips and success in Internet marketing.

If you would choose to join the multi-level marketing firm and become a distributor offering this program to others, you’ll be given a free Web site with administrative tools to keep track of those who join under you. You’ll also participate in a two week boot camp that will teach you step by step through e-mail with audio how to make the most money from your Internet home work income business.

There are several programs on the Web that offer this kind of training and some, such as this, that train you and also offer you additional income while you’re growing your own Internet home work income business.




PIF4P Startup Basics

These are the steps you MUST complete in order to make the most of the PIF4P system.

Here goes:

Step 1. Read the Getting Started Checklist thoroughly - don't just skim this part ... check it all out and follow the steps outlined. They are there for a reason. Make note of any steps you omit.

Step 2. Register for the key programs listed - and enter your ids as suggested. Here are the main programs you need to join to make this work

* GDI - this gem will become your friend ($10.00 per month)

* TrafficSwarm - we all need a good traffic exchange (free/$30 per month)

* TrafficOasis - yes, I know it's expensive ... budget for it ($129.95 first month, $69.95 per month)

* Success University - if you don't know why you need then ... all the more reason to join! ($49.95 per month)

* Internet Marketing Center - it's free to join and some of the best training you'll find on building your online website presence

Step 3. Register for and upgrade Response Magic - this is what makes it all work ($17.95 per month)

Step 4. Upload the RM Autoresponse messages - this is the tie that binds it all together

Step 5. Read the Internet Marketing Success Guide - the key here is to read the entire 21 days and choose those days activities that you are most comfortable completing right away. Do not get hungup on things you don't understand .. complete those steps that you DO understand. Once you complete the steps you can easily master, you will add the other steps as you have time. They are all important but you must not get stuck learning ... you need to get your site out there!

Step 6. Use the tools and advertising resources that I recommend - I list ads I use as well as the lists and resources that I use. I get results and with practice and consistency, so will you

That's it ... that's all you need to do to get started ... FOCUS is key. Do not allow yourself to get stuck learning. Do those tasks you can and make note of the ones you skip.

There are many more ways to advertise than listed either in the Success Guide or here with my training, the key is learning the basics and getting traffic to your PIF4P website.

Feed the pipeline ... PIF4P is your pipeline and as you feed it, as people join you in PIF4P, a percentage will take action. When you add your personal followup and your personal touch to the mix you see those percentages increase.

Is it a lot of work ... ABSOLUTELY!

Is it hard ... NO!

Anyone who can read and follow directions ... AND PAY ATTENTION ... can succeed here.

You can succeed! Let's work together.
