The Secrets To Success With Shaklee
If you can return a few phone calls each day and provide some basic customer service,
No Selling! No Explaining! No Risk!
To be successful in your own business, you must determine the most important activities that drive the business and then you must do them consistently. Over the past several years I've been teaching and implementing the 7 Steps To Success that drive a network marketing business. As I talk to and meet with other Shaklee associates, I am suprised by how many of those who want to be successful cannot tell me the key activities they are engaged in. This is a business. We, as business operators, need to know, understand and implement those activities that drive our success. We must be hard at it, doing those things every day.
Those who are waiting for some gimmick or secret system to propel them into motion will never experience the reality of success. Nothing replaces hard work! Nothing! Of course, we could all work hard doing the wrong thing. That's why it is essential that we each understand what those 7 Steps To Success With Shaklee are. Learn them. Teach them to your people. Implement them daily.
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