Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Powerful personal testimony about the Shaklee difference.


My son Benjamin was born with extreme colic, for the first 3 months of his life. He was a very fussy baby into early childhood. He suffered from chronic ear and respiratory infections, extreme temper tantrums, constant discipline problems and slow learning problems in pre-K. At 4yrs old he had a mandatory surgery for ear tubes, adenoid removal and tonsil removal. This solved the hearing problems and sleep apnea, but all the other problems began to increase to unbearable levels. At the same time we were going through a divorce from a physically abusive situation and Benjamin was lashing out in violent ways.

Everyday was miserable and I suffered from extreme depression and anxiety for years to come. I couldn't seem to find the help I needed and I became too "wiped out" to keep looking or asking for solutions. Living with Benjamin was like walking on eggshells and I began to worry that he had "Borderline Personality Disorder" or "Bi-Polar"(from his Dad's family). His pediatrician said he was too young to determine anything. Over the next 4yrs he got worse. I was forced to a medical leave do to a work injury (lasting 5yrs).The pain and severity were amplified 10 fold by the family stress of Benjamin's problems, divorce and living in a one-bedroom apartment with my 2 sons.

Both sons went through extensive counseling. Benjamin's counselor suggested he be tested for ADHD and "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" He tested high for both. His Pediatrician then wanted to start him on Concerta for his ADHD. This brought him a very minor ability to focus on school (yet still getting "Cs, Ds” and incompletes) & no relief for the anger, depression or violent out bursts. It also made him lose weight and couldn't fall asleep until at least 2hrs after he went to bed! Meanwhile, his brother Nathan was having mini-nervous breakdowns because he hated the way his brother treated him and me, having bed-wetting problems up through 11yrs old.

When Benjamin turned 9, he had the worst violent outburst of wrath ever and I had to call 911, they sent a "PERT" team (Psychiatric Emergency Response Team) and police. The next day he was admitted into the Children's Mental Health Clinic for 7days and was put on Straterra for ADHD and Depacote for violent behavior. He was in a daze and behavioral stupor for 2 months and my hopelessness for any "real" solutions exhausted me. I needed to get work and wanted to get work in the health and wellness field.

I responded to an advertisement and interviewed to work from home with Shaklee. I had taken Shaklee vitamins off and on for 26yrs, yet never thought to do the business or use the nutritional products to get my family well ! So, 2 months after Benjamin's release from the hospital I started in Shaklee. By re-educating myself in the world of nutrition that I already had decades of experience with, I was able to find out a wealth of knowledgeable choices to heal Benjamin, Nathan and myself. The following were the health and wellness measures that worked for Benjamin:

B complex: 2-4/day

Chewable Cal-Mag: 2 tablets/night before bed.

Omegaguard: 3/day

Vita Lea: 2/day

Nutriferon: 2/day

Pre&Probiotic set: 2capsule/day with powder in drink

Soy Protein: 2TBLS/day in juice w/o corn syrup or in a fresh or frozen fruit smoothie.

Air Source 3000: Clarifies the air from toxins & allergens which antagonize his ehavior.

Shaklee Cleaning Products Only! : For laundry, house cleaning and dishes. Non-toxic is the only way to go, his behavior also changed for the better when toxic chemical cleaners stopped being used in our home: Bleach, misc. cleaners and deodorizers. For my son Nathan who has had chronic allergies, sinusitis, asthma, bed-wetting, and emotional problems (anger and depression). steming from his abusive home with his Dad and all the problems his brother Benjamin was going through, had great success with the following Shaklee health product solutions:

Alfalfa: 10/day

Vita Lea: 2/day

Omegaguard: 3/day

B-Complex: 2/day

Vita-C: Prefers 2 chewable twice/day

Air Source 3000: for the above reasons & stopped his & my severe cat allergies from our family cat!

Shaklee Cleaning Products Only: Eliminating his allergy response to household environment.

Special note on dietary changes and eliminations: We minimalized and/or stopped most refined sugars (cane sugar, corn syrup liquid or solids), rather using honey or real maple syrup instead.

Switched to 100 percent whole wheat or soy flour for baking or in-store purchased foods (Beware most breads and refined foods you buy have sugar in them!).

Stopped eating all foods with MSG, which is in hundreds, if not, thousands of foods. Be aware that "Aspartame"(nutisweet) converts to a glutamate when digested and will cause the same allergic reaction in people who are allergic to MSG (both my sons react with emotional and anger problems, as well as, respiratory distress).

Benjamin also suffered from chronic headaches, yet I'm not sure which of the above stopped those, but their gone! However, if he eats sugar in something, a headache will usually occur. This also applies to me, for I suffered from chronic migraines for years and rarely have them anymore with my Shaklee vitamin regiment, though whenever I eat refined sugars or flour I would usually get a bad headache. (I’m thinking the guys who discovered how to refine cane sugar and flour should be brought up on charges for the lives they've made miserable with deteriorating health!)

After we used the Shaklee products regularly for 6mos.+ our lives changed in the following dramatic ways: Benjamin came off of Psych meds, ceased having violent outbursts, has minimal emotional outbursts, started getting A's and B's in school and passed the 5th grade with flying colors, regained a healthy appetite, his headaches stopped, he started falling asleep with in minutes of going to bed, he became stronger and filled out more, his gingivitis went away and his hair and nails became healthier. Nathan's asthma was completely gone, his allergies subsided to minimal(his cat allergies were gone), his chronic sinusitis went away, he stopped bed-wetting, his fatigue issues from his mild depression were gone and he had a lot of energy and less fighting with his brother throughout the day.

I suffered from depression/anxiety, migraine headaches, extreme fatigue, chronic pain (was on pain medicines and anti-inflammatory drugs for 6yrs), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Peri-menopausal (severe hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, irregular cycles), 80lbs overweight, candida overgrowth (leading to many of these health problems), memory problems, insomnia, extreme environmental and food allergies, sinusitis, fungal nails and slow growing hair. The following Shaklee health solutions worked for me:

Vita-Lea, Vita-C, B-Complex, Vita-E complex, nutriferon, alfalfa, lecithin, Osteomatrix, CorEnergy, Carotomax, Stress Relief Complex, Joint Health Complex, Omegaguard, Menopause Balancing Complex, Garlic, Liver DTX, Zinc, HerbLax, Pro&Prebiotic, plain Soy Protein and Slim Plan Gold.

In the last year using these vitamins my health has changed in the following ways: My depression & anxiety is gone, migraines gone, fatigue minimal, chronic pain gone, high blood pressure medicine lowered to half the previous dose, cholesterol lowered 100pts from 1-1/2yrs ago, Peri-Menopausal symptoms minimalized, I lost 20lbs, my candida overgrowth is minimal, memory problems are gone, insomnia minimal, environmental allergies and sinusitis minimal & nearly gone, food allergies gone with diet control and my hair and nails are healthier and stronger.

This is a large-sized chunk of my family's testimony of "The Shaklee Difference". I am truly greatful for Shaklee and their wonderful products. Heather Cahn

To our Health & Wealth,

Monday, January 15, 2007

know anyone with cholesterol problems?

Dear Shaklee Friends,

The following is a letter I sent this week to a few people and after getting their response I felt I really should share this with more people.

Bob got his blood tests back and his total cholesterol has gone from 234 to132 in about a 3 month period. That’s a real miracle! And his LDL (the bad cholesterol) went from149 to 73. His ratio of good to bad cholesterol went from 5.1 to 2.9. Most of you were aware that Bob had 80% blockage in his carotid artery and had surgery April 6.

He changed his high carb, high fat, high pop diet (carbs is the major culprit in producing excess cholesterol more so than fatty foods much to everyone’s surprise), to eating more veggies, fruit and lean protein and a glass of wine most days and started taking higher amounts of the supplements especially the Fiber Plan and Soy (2-3 times a day), OmegaGuard (fish oil 6-9), Stress Relief (3) and Red Yeast Rice (4), GLA (6), CoQHeart (3), Lecithin (6) He also does the B, C, E, NutriFeron, Alfalfa, Garlic etc. Much to the Doctors dismay he opted not to go on the cholesterol lowering drugs or blood pressure medication and 2 or 3 other drugs!! Standard protocol. His cardiologist said that supplements were great but that it would be impossible to get his LDL down to 70 without drugs. I’m so anxious to wave the test results under his nose! Well maybe I won’t do exactly that! Ha

His blood pressure went from being in the 140 -160 + over 85-100 range to124 over 68. Bob is also paying more attention to exercise. And a great side benefit has been weight loss … he’s loving this.

All of this (diet, supplements, exercise) will help prevent the building up of more plaque etc. However it’s the chelation treatments (You can look this treatment up on the internet or check out books on the subject) that he is now taking that will be the biggest factor in hopefully removing some of the existing plaque and clean out his arteries. He’s on his 5th treatment tomorrow …. Total of about 30 is what is recommended. (Insurance again will not cover this)

We are praising the Lord!


PS: A couple things that I should add. Bob went for a yearly physical in January and everything checked out okay according to his internist … only comments that his blood pressure and cholesterol were on the high side. A couple weeks later we went to a “Life Line” screening at a local church where they do ultrasound checks for artery problems etc. This is how the blocked artery was discovered. >From there he had many more tests run. I would highly recommend the Life Line Screening as an inexpensive and beneficial way of detecting problems … go to : http://www.lifelinescreening.com/

Another thing that would be wise for most people to have done is to have the 64 Slice CT Scan (Generally not covered by insurance unless you are a heart patient), which takes pictures of your arteries and can show plaque buildup etc. … this was talked about at length on the Oprah Winfrey show about a month or so ago. Again you can “google” this and get more info. Make sure you ask for the “64 Slice CT Scan” as this is the latest version and much more powerful in it’s abilities to detect problems.

