Saturday, March 31, 2007

Essential Traits of Good Character

The following are what I believe to be the basics of good character. Miss one of these and you will find a weak link in your character - one that may be your undoing as it relates to your leadership. As you go through the following, give sober reflection to your life as it relates to these integral parts of good character.

1. Integrity. Integrity is a good catch word that is similar to character but provides us with a different way of looking at the idea of character. The root word of integrity means "whole" or "undivided." That is a terrific way to help us understand what integrity is--it is a life that is undivided. For example, you don't act one way in one situation and another in a different situation. There is integrity and wholeness to your life. Living this way will build trust in your followers. Another use of the word integrity that provides insight for us is when the word is used in regard to a physical structure. A wall or a building that is strong and has no cracks is said to have integrity. The same could be said for great leaders.

2. Honesty. It is regularly said that, "Honesty is the best policy," but I would add that honesty is the only policy for great leaders. Think about it. Why do people hedge the truth? Usually for a few basic reasons--one, they are afraid of the ramifications or two, they are trying to hide something. Either way, it results in the fact that you destroy the trust of those who follow you. Even if you tell them the truth but they know you have lied to others, it will destroy the trust you had with them. They find themselves thinking, "If he will lie to them, will he lie to me?"

I have never understood what people hope to accomplish by being dishonest. As the good Book says, "Your sin shall surely find you out." Eventually people come to know that you are not honest in your dealings, and that is what you become known for. And your reputation is what your leadership is based on. When we are honest and live transparently before our followers, they are able to see us for who we are and make solid decisions to follow.

3. Loyalty. People of good character are loyal people. They have a "stick-to-it" attitude when it comes to others. Anybody who knows human nature knows that people fail. It is just a matter of time, no matter how talented someone is. A person of good character stays with their friends even in the down times. Anyone can be friends with others when times are good. People of good character stay with them when they need it most. Where this translates into making you a good leader is this: people want to follow a leader who will stretch them beyond where they are now, but who will also allow them to try--and to fail. When we are loyal to our followers, they will be loyal to us and make every effort to succeed on our behalf and on behalf of the organization.
There are few things that strengthen the leader/follower bond more than when a leader shows his or her loyalty to a follower who needs it.

4. Self-Sacrifice. Lee Iacocca became a legend when he said that he would bring Chrysler back from the brink of bankruptcy and would take only one dollar a year in pay. This was a classic example of a leader sacrificing for the
followers. It also showed his understanding of empathizing with the average line worker. And the workers of Chrysler rewarded him with an incredible following as they built Chrysler into one of the world's leading car companies. What is it about self-sacrifice that breeds followers? Followers do not mind putting in the hard work. They don't even mind a leader making more money or reaping benefits from their work. What followers do mind though, is when the leader is using them for his or her own personal gain. People of good character do not use other people--period. So when a leader shows sacrifice of personal gain, it says to the followers that he or she is willing to come along side of them - and followers reward that almost universally. A person of good character shows that they can give up personal gain for the good of the whole.

5. Accountability. People of good character do not mind accountability. In fact, they welcome it. This is the act of allowing others to have a say in your life, to speak to you straight about your life and conduct. The brutal truth is that we have blind spots and need other people to be in close relationship with us so we can advance down the road of success. The need for accountability doesn't prove lack of character. Rather, it proves the presence of character. G.K. Chesterton said that, "Original sin is the only philosophy empirically validated by 3,500 years of human history." The person of good character knows this and invites others to speak into his or her life.

We see this is especially true now with all that has gone on among our leaders lately. Followers are growing tired of those leaders who will have nothing to do with accountability. They do not mind leaders who make mistakes. They do mind leaders who will not take responsibility for those mistakes by being accountable. When we allow ourselves to be held accountable, our followers know that we are serious about keeping our own house in order and thus will do a good job in leading the rest of the organization.

6. Self-control. The ability to make decisions - good decisions - about what we will and will not do with our actions is at the core of what we become in regard to our character. There will be plenty of options to participate in things that are not moral. Everybody has temptations, but the person of good character knows well enough to exercise self-control, literal control over his or her choices. When people do not exercise self-control, they sabotage their ability to lead. People lose respect for them and will follow less, if at all. Self-control is the ability to choose to do the things we should and to refrain from doing the things we shouldn't. When we exhibit self-control we again build trust in our followers. They respect us and want to follow us.

You can strengthen your character. We are born with clean slates. As we grow, there are many influences that shape our character--our parents, teachers, friends, and choices all mold that inner character. The good news is that no matter where you are right now, you can decide that your character will grow stronger. You can choose to be around those people who will challenge you to become better. You can choose to put positive materials into your mind and heart. You can begin making choices that reflect a change in lifestyle, and thus, in character. No one is "stuck." You can change - if you want to!

Vincent Aderiye




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