Thursday, November 30, 2006

MLM Is a Moving Parade

People join. People quit. Some never even start – they peak when

they sign the application.

You want coachable people with a strong desire & work ethic. They’ll

build your business. You’ll recognize them, because they’ll raise their

hands and tell you who they are. They will send you their “WHY.” You

then mentor them to productivity, and they become part of your spider web.

Now … you can’t treat people like numbers. But the more people you

talk with, the better chance you’ll run into the one who ALREADY has

a web of thousands and brings a ton of monthly income for you. That

happens when you work this business.

Did you know that most Americans at

age 65 have a minus net worth?

You and I can’t change that.

DM will NEVER help them.

The ONLY Person To Spend Your Time On

But you & I can sure help a few of them …the ones who tell us they

want our help. It’s not up to you to chase them down. You’re looking for someone who’s looking for you.

When you find them, mentor them, and train them to build their own

web. Those are the people who return the trust and loyalty that make

this such a wonderful business.


Thing That Matters!

10 Mistakes Everybody

Makes Selling Hamburgers

Let’s say you & I are each opening fast-food restaurants. And we

make a side bet about who can sell the most hamburgers.

What advantages would you most want

to help you win our bet?

You want Grade A Black Angus beef?

Sesame seed buns?

You want a tasty veggie burger for the non meat-eaters?

The best, crispiest fries?

Ambience? An atmosphere where people love to come?

Or maybe uncomfortable chairs … so they eat and get out in a hurry?

A playground for the kids?

Lowest price? You want THAT, too?

You are one tough cookie. That is for sure.

But OK. Done, done, done, done, done, done, done, and done!

What’s that? You say I’m holding back?

You want the best location, too?

Oh. My. God! You’re killing me here!

OK, fine. You get the busiest crossroads in town.

Matter of fact, I’ll give you ALL OF IT!

Every advantage you want, you’ve got!


Good for you.

Myself, I only want ONE advantage. And if you give it to me, when it

comes to selling hamburgers, I’ll whip the pants off you.

The only advantage I want is … a MOB OF STARVING PEOPLE!

You’ve Got a TON of Homework Tonight!

In MLM, I see people all the time who study, study, study, research,

research, research … to find the PERFECT product. Some spend

months or even YEARS preparing to actually DO something!

It sounds crazy, I know. But I swear, it’s true.

Fact is, there are a TON of products in the MLM world that are 90%

great, or better. And whether you have a 91%-great product or a

96%-great product has ZERO bearing on whether you are successful

or not.

So just pick a good product. TODAY!!

Then spend your time studying people … and learn

how to find the people STARVING for what you offer.

What do your distributors & customers want most passionately?

How do their desires drive them to a buying decision?

What gets them in a frenzy when they look for an opportunity? What

makes them turn away and look for greener pastures?

Do you REALLY think it’s your product or your compensation plan?

MLM is first and foremost a people business.


It's you and me together creating an effect much greater than just

the sum of the parts.

It’s profitable because your people use your products. And you also

get paid when THEIR people use your products, on down a few levels.

Take a Bus Driver To Lunch

No matter what you learn in this lifetime, nothing will be more emotionally or financially rewarding than learning about people.

It’s worth your while to spend time with people you don’t know, who

do jobs you’d never dream of doing, just to listen to them, find out

about them, ask questions.

I’m not talking about recruiting. I’m talking about relating.

Any time you spend now getting to understand other people & how

they think, will reward you many times over in the future.

Work Smart – Fail Forward

If you could work for 3 years and build something that pays you

$50,000 a month, wouldn’t you rather do that than build something

that only pays you $5,000 a month?

Nail Your Prospect’s Passionate Sweet Spot

One question I’d hear over and over was,

”Why Do Some People Succeed, While Others NEVER Do?”

And the answer that kept coming up over and over again was, successful people made the effort to understand what really makes people tick … what motivates them … why they make the choices they


That is what really led me into the personality studies.

400 years before Jesus Christ, the Greek physician and philosopher

Hippocrates wrote about the four basic personality types.



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