Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Shaklee Story Is Your Story

Fifty years ago, Dr Forrest C. Shaklee had a wonderfully simple idea: create the world’s best nutrition products, base them on nature and perfect them with science, and then invite caring people to share them with others. Shaklee is about living in harmony with nature, and we’ve never compromised that principle.

Today, these ideas are more relevant than ever. People’s interest in their own health and wellness is skyrocketing. At the same time, more of us are looking for financial independence, but without having to sacrifice the things that really matter-like freedom to choose how we live our lives and the time to enjoy them with our loved ones.

That’s why every day more people are becoming part of the Shaklee Family, creating richer lives for themselves and striving to make the world a better place. By joining us today you are one step closer to a healthier life and a better world. We’re glad you’re here.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Do You Have What It Takes To Work From Home With An Internet Business?

You have heard it said that there is money to be made on the Internet, and indeed, there are people who are making a lot of money using the ‘Net. Yet did you also know that there are a lot of frauds out there who will promise you the blue off the sky in return for some of your hard-earned cash? Similarly, do you have all the tools you need to do your work? Read on and find out if you have what it takes to work from home with an Internet business.

Have you done your research?

There are so many great looking Internet business opportunities that it may seem like an easy task to pick one or another. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of scam artists out there who will want your money and will not be able to help you work from home after all. Do your research on any Internet business diligently! For example, look to see if the website will tell you the details of the business. If it is vague, or promises you that all you need to do is get people to watch a clip or download a free e-book, the odds are good that this is not a lucrative business. Similarly, if the entire website is nothing but a gigantic ad for the e-book the webmaster has written, you are not actually going to start an Internet business, but simply buy a book. So do your research, and you will soon be able to weed out the wheat from the chaff.

Do you have the tools?

Let’s say that your Internet business will be web design. Designing web pages is not a very difficult feat, but it does require some specialized software and enough memory to ensure that your computer will not slow down if you are uploading large graphics or files. Is your equipment new enough that it could handle this kind of business? Do you have the software you need to get started? Before you start advertising your new work from home Internet business, make sure that you have all your ducks in a row, so that you will not have to turn away any business!

Do you have a reliable Internet setup?

Granted, dial-up is more and more going by the wayside, but if you still do rely on a dial-up connection, you need to be honest with yourself and assess if you are truly able to rely on the connection. Does it work quickly and efficiently, or does downloading take long periods of time? Do you lose your connection frequently, or is it pretty solid? If you do not think you have a reliable Internet connection, you might need to consider upgrading your system.

So go ahead and take stock in what you have, and see if you are ready to work from home with your very own Internet business!


Monday, December 11, 2006


So, here's Your Chance To Join The Advanced Mentoring Team & Be Personally Mentored By Millionaires

For 10 people, this will be the most important e-mail you ever receive. (We hope you're one of them!)

Here's the story: Since December 2001, we've been concentrating 100% of our time and efforts on regular people who want serious help creating long term residual incomes using the Internet.

Yes -- I'm talking about my personal dream team of Internet marketing professionals who just blasted "OUR" business past $3,500,000 this year!

And the results have been incredible to say the least. Those who participated are now making $10,000 a month... $25,000 a month... $750,000 a year -- and many of them really JUST GOT STARTED!

Anyway, as of December 1st, we have spaces opening up as some of our "graduates" are now ready to leave the nest ;-) So we currently looking for 10 new candidates that I can mentor to dizzying levels of success using the Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits system to it's 100% capability.

And when I talk about "success," I'm talking about real results. In 2007, I want you to be taking your dream vacations... I want you to be sending your kids to prestigious private schools and universities... I want you to be driving a Corvette, or a Mercedes, or (my favorite) a Ferrari.

I want you to be the envy of your friends and family!

But here's the catch: In order to make this happen, I need to be sure that I choose the 10 people most driven to succeed and want to take full advantage. So if you're looking for someone to hand you vacations and cars on a silver platter, then you can stop reading right now.

However, if you have a sincere interest in building a REAL long-term online business based on something that you are passionate about... something you can truly dedicate yourself to (at least 10 - 20 hours per week) for the next six months, then I want to hear from you.

Because to be one of the 10 people chosen to participate on my dream team, you don't need experience. You don't need a technical background education.

What you *do* need is a burning desire to succeed and the ability to set real goals using the PIF4p's system to it's fullest potential.

If you want to make an extra $50,000 a year working part time, so that you or your spouse can stay home with the kids, let's make it happen! If you want to create a legacy of never ending wealth for you and your family for generations to come, so that you make $100,000-$1,000,000 per year or MORE that comes in residually forever, I can help you get there, too!

But please note that because of the huge time commitment this kind of one-on-one mentoring will take from me and my team, I can only accept 10 people at this time -- and I'm expecting to get literally hundreds of applications.

So if this sounds like something that might interest you, I highly recommend that you contact me or my partner with the information below!

... We are taking applications first come, first served.

Click this link to join our Advanced Mentoring Team now..


Friday, December 08, 2006

Can You Really Succeed in Network Marketing/MLM?

So you decided to start a home based business or maybe you are

just looking into it. There is a daunting statistic that is staring you

in the face: 9 out of 10 of you out there will never make more than

$100 a month. That’s a far cry from $5k, isn’t it? That is some stat,

and yet thousands of people daily make the decision to dive into

starting their own home based business. Is it your path to financial

security? What is the real difference between the haves and the

don’t haves? The difference between making $0 and $10k

monthly? This gap is no more apparent than in Network

Marketing/MLM. What is the secret to succeeding in your own

home based business? Better yet, do you want to be successful?

That question may seem odd, and you may say “of course I do,

doesn’t everyone?” The answer to that question may surprise you.

20/20 did a story some time ago where they interviewed several

People that were part of Amway. Most of the time we heard from

the complainers. They complained about not being able to succeed

and the garage full of soap they couldn’t sell. Pretty damning

evidence that it just doesn’t work. At the very end of the story they

gave about 2 minutes and interviewed Bill Bright. He was sitting

in front of his palatial home and was asked how he succeeded

where so many others failed. What was his secret? The answer was

simple and not very surprising at all. He showed ‘the plan’ or

business to 1200 people, and this was before the internet made it

possible to contact thousands a month. He had face to face contact

with 1200 people!

Of course not everyone joined him. 300 people signed up. 215 did

not build a business. 85 were serious, 30 actually built a business. 11

made him a millionaire! That was his secret, work. Let me say that

again- WORK! He did the work. What would you do in the face of

900 no’s? Would you quit after 10, 20, 100, 500? Most people do.

The good thing now is that there are systems in place to help people

succeed and it is less daunting than speaking to someone face to face

and getting rejected. Who wants that?! However, you still must do

the work and get your business out there. Thomas Edison tried over

10,000 times to invent the light bulb. The point is, he didn’t fail, he

just found 10,000 ways that did not work.

People have choices, you have a choice. People don’t really fail in this

business - people quit! They quit on their dreams, they quit on

themselves. They get comfortable where they are in life. They start

to dream smaller, and expect less. Very successful people realize

that they won’t hit a home run every time up. Babe Ruth, that

famous Yankee slugger, got a hit only 3 out of 10 times at bat. What

you have to realize is that it will take work and sacrifice to succeed

in anything you do! Where are your priorities? Where do you spend

your time?

If someone is saying that they want success, but are not doing what it

takes to succeed, do they really want success? It’s ok if they don’t.

Not everyone is cut out for this life, although everyone can achieve it,

if they want it.

Network Marketing is the best business to be in because there are

successes like Bill Bright to study. Where else can you start a business

that has the potential to set you free for less than $500. There have

been people before you that have done it! Don’t try to re-invent the

wheel. Learn from the success of others. In this business the only

way you can succeed is by helping others succeed. Isn’t that they

way it should be, we can all be successful together. You just need

to make a decision. Make a decision to succeed, a decision for your

future. That is the reason you are here, isn’t it?

To Great Success,


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Your MLM/Network Marketing Business - Opportunity or Problem?

This a fundemental questionthat you must answer if you are to be successful in your home business. Unless you can plug your downline into a duplicatable, simple system that will solve their # 1 issue , MONEY, you will find that you will need to constantly replace those members that are frustrated and inactive. Most people, me included, came to this industry because they needed money. If you cannot offer them a system that will be able to give them a quick income, you have given them a problem not an opportunity.

The reason people are not successful in this business is that they join, spend mney on product and some advertising, run out of money and can't stay in the business because itis cost prohibitive. If you were able to earn an income while you built your business, even if no one joined your primary business, how likely would you be to stay in the business and continue to build it. That is what the best systems can do. It is called a Funded Proposal and the best one can also build a residual income

There are many funded proposals out there and most of them offer an e -book or some kind of product to sell and earn money. You have seen them all over the net. The best one I have found is HERE , go and check it out. This is your goal, to make money even if no one joins your primary business. This will keep you in the game and primed to be very successful. If you do not have some kind of system to plug into - besides just showing your company's web site - the chances for success will be greatly reduced.

To check out a great system GO HERE

To Great Success,


Monday, December 04, 2006

Wish you could switch sponsors?

Maybe you were surfing the web and decided to join a

home business because of a website or some emails you

received about how your downline would be built for

you while you learned about the business.

I know for a fact that you have either seen the sites or

gotten emails about this very thing. They are

everywhere, so if you have been online for more than 10

minutes, you have seen these. Let's clear the air for a

moment… NO-ONE will build a home based business FOR YOU,

you will need to build it and they will help. If your

financial future is important to you, you will do the work.

Now that that's out of the way…If you have a sponsor

that is less active than you are and does not seem to be

any help and is non-responsive. Be thankful!

That's right. This will force you to do it on your own

And far more is learned when you do things on your own.

Make no mistake, this is not how it is supposed to work.

Sponsors are meant to take care of the new person, make

sure they get all their info and contacts. If your sponsor

doesn't do that then make a promise to yourself that you

will be different and move forward. My point is this- THIS

IS YOUR home based business. Take action and always move

forward- find out from the heavy hitters what is working,

try it and go from there. You will be the better for it!

I have had it both ways, in my first Network Marketing

company my sponsor was always there for me. He would be

giving me advice, going on presentations with me and

anything else he could do to make it easier for me. I

failed miserably. After that I took the plunge again and

this time my sponsor was so far away that he couldn't

really help me. So I was forced to learn on my own.

It was tough at first since I didn't know what to do, but

I learned so much more and it working out wonderfully.

I have heard it said, "Don't wish it was easier, wish you

were better." That is where education comes in, never stop

learning. I continuously listen to Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn,

Dennis Waitley and others. I cannot tell you how

much this helps. You can find them all in one place:


It makes me realize that there will be

struggles, for everyone, but if you keep moving forward

then you will get to the light at the end of the tunnel.

My favorite quote from Winston Churchill: "Never Give

Up! Never Give Up! NEVER GIVE UP!"

Next: Location, location, location!

To Your Success,

