Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How To Make More Money Than Ever At Home With

Dear Online Success Seeker,

Achieving financial freedom from home is probably one of the biggest desires for people today, and doing this specifically through a ?MLM? or network marketing opportunity is the route most people take. Are you headed down this road?

Unfortunately, you will be in for a very rude awakening if this is the path you want to take. You see, the industry is changing, very fast, and you need to know about some unsettling insights.

Do you want to make more than $10,000 a month from home this year? How about the years beyond this one? If so, you need to give your immediate attention to what is going on with the industry right now.

You may either be pursuing a home business right now, or maybe you have in the past. If you haven?t ever been involved with a home business, you should consider yourself extremely lucky, as you are about to save yourself much time and money. You see, residual income is something we all want and strive for, right? Well, the promises of the MLM industry with its residual income have steered us that direction. However, these promises are all but dead for the average person. What is the source of this? You are soon to find out.

You have probably already seen the symptoms, especially if you have been involved with an MLM company. Some of them might be?

· Your organization is being depleted by constant attrition.

· Your downline consists mainly of complaining reps who need constant attention.

· You are only making a few hundred or few thousand dollars when you have put in the amount of work to make ten times that amount.

· You are sick of the ?gotcha? comp plans that actually cut your check because of the pyramid structure requirements.

Are these symptoms familiar to you? Well, you are definitely not alone.

If you want to build a downline, you can get ahead of the curve if you have the time, money, and energy, but eventually, you will dry up.

So what does this mean for network marketers? A concept called G.I.C. Generate Immediate Cash is not a company or an opportunity. This is an answer and solution to tiny paychecks, and dead downlines. You will be able to put tens-of-thousands of dollars of cash into your wallet in weeks and months, not years and years.

If you are looking to make real money at home, G.I.C. is the answer

"How MLM Was Killed By The Internet"

Dear Online Success Seeker,

Wouldn't it be great to only have to work for about 3-5 years, build a life long residual income, and be able to will it to your grandchildren? Well, this idea is what network marketing has been based on, which sounds good, but is it really?

Well, the unfortunate thing is, this is not a true idea or concept. Yes, it may have been in the past, but it isn't anymore.

So, how can I make such a bold statement? There is a vast number of people who are traded from one company to another every 9 to 12 months. At one time, these people were referred to as MLM junkies, but now, their uplines are in the same shoes.

Unfortunately, network marketing has become obsessed with timing, pre-launches, and the next big thing. So, what is causing this obsession?

It is simply a numbers game. The number of new people coming into network marketing is out of proportion to the number of new company start-ups. If you want to, you can start your own company any time you want. The problem is, there are only a certain number of people to go around. This then opens you up to the Pre-Launch. This is the company's chance to catch the networkers and get them away from what they are currently marketing. The Pre-Launch gives them a promise of getting started right when the company is getting off its feet, and there aren't many people involved.

Now, as the marketer switches gears to start up with this new company, another Pre-Launch is offered, this time giving promises to be the biggest and best with their product, that it will change the world. There you have it, the cycle begins. Networkers want to be on top, right?

As this cycle continues, more and more companies will pre-launch every 9 to 12 months, the people in the other companies scramble to get to the top, and the companies they leave fail. Obviously, you can see how this puts companies at each others throats trying to get warm bodies. This can involve much ugly name calling, back-stabbing, and lawsuits to boot.

Remember, in network marketing, people are the hot commodity that is traded, making you very valuable to all of these companies.

If you are looking to make real money online at home then...

"Where Did Your Residual Income Go?"


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