So you decided to start a home based business or maybe you are
just looking into it. There is a daunting statistic that is staring you
in the face: 9 out of 10 of you out there will never make more than
$100 a month. That’s a far cry from $5k, isn’t it? That is some stat,
and yet thousands of people daily make the decision to dive into
starting their own home based business. Is it your path to financial
security? What is the real difference between the haves and the
don’t haves? The difference between making $0 and $10k
monthly? This gap is no more apparent than in Network
Marketing/MLM. What is the secret to succeeding in your own
home based business? Better yet, do you want to be successful?
That question may seem odd, and you may say “of course I do,
doesn’t everyone?” The answer to that question may surprise you.
20/20 did a story some time ago where they interviewed several
People that were part of Amway. Most of the time we heard from
the complainers. They complained about not being able to succeed
and the garage full of soap they couldn’t sell. Pretty damning
evidence that it just doesn’t work. At the very end of the story they
gave about 2 minutes and interviewed Bill Bright. He was sitting
in front of his palatial home and was asked how he succeeded
where so many others failed. What was his secret? The answer was
simple and not very surprising at all. He showed ‘the plan’ or
business to 1200 people, and this was before the internet made it
possible to contact thousands a month. He had face to face contact
with 1200 people!
Of course not everyone joined him. 300 people signed up. 215 did
not build a business. 85 were serious, 30 actually built a business. 11
made him a millionaire! That was his secret, work. Let me say that
again- WORK! He did the work. What would you do in the face of
900 no’s? Would you quit after 10, 20, 100, 500? Most people do.
The good thing now is that there are systems in place to help people
succeed and it is less daunting than speaking to someone face to face
and getting rejected. Who wants that?! However, you still must do
the work and get your business out there. Thomas Edison tried over
10,000 times to invent the light bulb. The point is, he didn’t fail, he
just found 10,000 ways that did not work.
People have choices, you have a choice. People don’t really fail in this
business - people quit! They quit on their dreams, they quit on
themselves. They get comfortable where they are in life. They start
to dream smaller, and expect less. Very successful people realize
that they won’t hit a home run every time up. Babe Ruth, that
famous Yankee slugger, got a hit only 3 out of 10 times at bat. What
you have to realize is that it will take work and sacrifice to succeed
in anything you do! Where are your priorities? Where do you spend
your time?
If someone is saying that they want success, but are not doing what it
takes to succeed, do they really want success? It’s ok if they don’t.
Not everyone is cut out for this life, although everyone can achieve it,
if they want it.
Network Marketing is the best business to be in because there are
successes like Bill Bright to study. Where else can you start a business
that has the potential to set you free for less than $500. There have
been people before you that have done it! Don’t try to re-invent the
wheel. Learn from the success of others. In this business the only
way you can succeed is by helping others succeed. Isn’t that they
way it should be, we can all be successful together. You just need
to make a decision. Make a decision to succeed, a decision for your
future. That is the reason you are here, isn’t it?
To Great Success,