Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How To Make More Money Than Ever At Home With

Dear Online Success Seeker,

Achieving financial freedom from home is probably one of the biggest desires for people today, and doing this specifically through a ?MLM? or network marketing opportunity is the route most people take. Are you headed down this road?

Unfortunately, you will be in for a very rude awakening if this is the path you want to take. You see, the industry is changing, very fast, and you need to know about some unsettling insights.

Do you want to make more than $10,000 a month from home this year? How about the years beyond this one? If so, you need to give your immediate attention to what is going on with the industry right now.

You may either be pursuing a home business right now, or maybe you have in the past. If you haven?t ever been involved with a home business, you should consider yourself extremely lucky, as you are about to save yourself much time and money. You see, residual income is something we all want and strive for, right? Well, the promises of the MLM industry with its residual income have steered us that direction. However, these promises are all but dead for the average person. What is the source of this? You are soon to find out.

You have probably already seen the symptoms, especially if you have been involved with an MLM company. Some of them might be?

· Your organization is being depleted by constant attrition.

· Your downline consists mainly of complaining reps who need constant attention.

· You are only making a few hundred or few thousand dollars when you have put in the amount of work to make ten times that amount.

· You are sick of the ?gotcha? comp plans that actually cut your check because of the pyramid structure requirements.

Are these symptoms familiar to you? Well, you are definitely not alone.

If you want to build a downline, you can get ahead of the curve if you have the time, money, and energy, but eventually, you will dry up.

So what does this mean for network marketers? A concept called G.I.C. Generate Immediate Cash is not a company or an opportunity. This is an answer and solution to tiny paychecks, and dead downlines. You will be able to put tens-of-thousands of dollars of cash into your wallet in weeks and months, not years and years.

If you are looking to make real money at home, G.I.C. is the answer

"How MLM Was Killed By The Internet"

Dear Online Success Seeker,

Wouldn't it be great to only have to work for about 3-5 years, build a life long residual income, and be able to will it to your grandchildren? Well, this idea is what network marketing has been based on, which sounds good, but is it really?

Well, the unfortunate thing is, this is not a true idea or concept. Yes, it may have been in the past, but it isn't anymore.

So, how can I make such a bold statement? There is a vast number of people who are traded from one company to another every 9 to 12 months. At one time, these people were referred to as MLM junkies, but now, their uplines are in the same shoes.

Unfortunately, network marketing has become obsessed with timing, pre-launches, and the next big thing. So, what is causing this obsession?

It is simply a numbers game. The number of new people coming into network marketing is out of proportion to the number of new company start-ups. If you want to, you can start your own company any time you want. The problem is, there are only a certain number of people to go around. This then opens you up to the Pre-Launch. This is the company's chance to catch the networkers and get them away from what they are currently marketing. The Pre-Launch gives them a promise of getting started right when the company is getting off its feet, and there aren't many people involved.

Now, as the marketer switches gears to start up with this new company, another Pre-Launch is offered, this time giving promises to be the biggest and best with their product, that it will change the world. There you have it, the cycle begins. Networkers want to be on top, right?

As this cycle continues, more and more companies will pre-launch every 9 to 12 months, the people in the other companies scramble to get to the top, and the companies they leave fail. Obviously, you can see how this puts companies at each others throats trying to get warm bodies. This can involve much ugly name calling, back-stabbing, and lawsuits to boot.

Remember, in network marketing, people are the hot commodity that is traded, making you very valuable to all of these companies.

If you are looking to make real money online at home then...

"Where Did Your Residual Income Go?"


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GET CLEAN™ is one of Oprah's "Favorite Things"

GET CLEAN is one of
Oprah's "Favorite Things"
Special Offer Email!
Now you can GET CLEAN too!
Get Clean flower
If you know anything about me, you know that I am passionate about health and the environment.
I may have sent you emails in the past, and I don't know if you had the chance to read them, but urge you to take a minute and read this information and to take advantage of the Earth Day Special that I am extending to all my friends.
Get clean basketThe Oprah Winfrey Show
Friday, April 20th
EARTH DAY is not just about Global Warming, it's about your family's health as well. And the choices you make everyday can have a powerful impact not only on our environment but on your health too!
On this year's special Earth Day show, Oprah features
Shaklee's GET CLEAN™ household cleaners.
Oprah loved them so much that they quickly became one of her "FAVORITE THINGS" and she gave this GET CLEAN™ gift basket to her entire audience.
Shaklee wanted to help out viewers too, so they offered a SPECIAL 33% discount for Get Clean™ products. I'm extending THAT SAME OFFER to you as well to encourage you to GET CLEAN!
GET CLEAN™ = Cleaner Air, Cleaner Water. Healthier Planet. Healthier Home.
If you are already a Shaklee member, just email me or call me with your order, and I"ll order it for you at the special price & then it will be shipped right to your house. My info is at the bottom of this information.
If you haven't yet experienced The Shaklee Difference, don't worry, I'll be happy to give you the same discount! Just email me or call me to let me know that you're interested and we'll go from there. (Most orders will also receive include a FREE Shaklee membership! A Shaklee membership has no obligations...just lots of benefits)
Here are the details of the products:
Get clean dogGET CLEAN™ PRODUCTS are non-toxic, biodegradable cleaners.
Actually, Shaklee's had earth-friendly cleaners since 1965, so they really know what they're doing!
GET CLEAN™ is not only great for the earth, but these products great for your family and your wallet, too.
Just 1 family using Get Clean™ will:
Eliminate 108 lbs. of packaging waste from landfills

Eliminate 248 lbs. of greenhouse gas
Be the equivilant of planting 10 trees
You'll be surprised to find:
  • How well they work (I would never go back to using store brands...ever!)
  • How economical they are (Great for you wallet and less garbage in landfills!)
  • How easy they are to use (My kids don't mind cleanining...well most of the time!)
  • How safe they are (Safe for kids, pets, plants, etc. They're just tough on dirt!)
  • How excited you can become about cleaning products! (I'm not joking!)
  • How it impacts your health (You won't be able to say that you're allergic to cleaning anymore. Sorry! Less headaches, Allergy/asthma symptoms, etc.)
  • How great you feel (You'll be doing something that's good for the earth AND your family's health...not just on Earth Day but EVERYDAY!)

I'll send you directions on how to use BASIC-H2 all-purpose concentrate.
There's over 1000 uses so obviously they couldn't fit them all on the label!

Here's one suggestion to get you started: Just 1-2 drops (yes, drops) in a 16-oz bottle spray bottle with water makes a window/mirror cleaner. No streaks. Cleans great!
If you're thinking that this is pretty powerful stuff, you're right.
(But remember it's safe too!)
Just 2 oz. of Basic-H2 makes over 728 bottles of cleaner.

healthy home pack

This is a great starter pack.
The Get Clean™ Healthy Home Pack contains:
  • Basic H2™ Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate, 16 oz. (1)
  • Basic H2™ Organic Super Cleaning Wipes, 35 Wipes (1)
  • Scour Off™ Heavy-Duty Paste, 9 oz. (1)
  • Dish Wash Concentrate, 16 oz. (1)
  • Fresh Laundry Concentrate, 32 oz. (Liquid) (1)
  • Soft Fabric Concentrate, 32 oz. (1)
  • Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets, 80 sheets (1)
  • Spray Bottles
    • Windows and Mirrors (1)
    • All-Purpose (1)
  • Laundry Measuring Scoop (1)
  • Super Microfiber Window Cloth
  • Dropper for measuring Basic H2 (1)
SRP: $82.65
Get clean starter kit cropped
Everything you need!
The Get Clean™ Deluxe Starter Kit contains:
  • Basic H2™ Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate, 16 oz. (1)
  • Basic H2™ Organic Super Cleaning Wipes, 35 Wipes (1)
  • Nature Bright Laundry Booster and Stain Remover, 32 oz. ( 1)
  • Scour Off™ Heavy-Duty Paste, 9 oz. (1)
  • Dish Wash Concentrate, 16 oz. (1)
  • Dish Wash Automatic Concentrate,32 oz. (1)
  • Hand Wash Concentrate, 32 oz. ( 1)
  • Hand Wash Decorator Dispenser ( 1)
  • Fresh Laundry Concentrate, 32 oz. (Liquid) (1)
  • Soft Fabric Concentrate, 32 oz. (1)
  • Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets, 80 sheets (1)
  • Spray Bottles
    • Windows and Mirrors (1)
    • All-Purpose (1)
  • Super Microfiber Window Cloth ( 1)
  • Laundry Measuring Cup ( 1)
  • Dropper for measuring Basic H2 (1)

SRP: $127.35

We believe in saving you money
while we go about saving the earth

Remember GET CLEAN™ products are HIGHLY CONCENTRATED so they'll last a very long time.

In addition to Get Clean, there are other things you can do to help our planet:
  • Recycle
  • Use canvas bags to tote your groceries
  • Kill-A-Watt. Use a power strip for your computer, printer, monitor, cell phones. They still use energy even when they're not in use. So just flip the switch to OFF on the power stip and cut the power...and save $)
  • Turn your water off while you brush your teeth.
  • Give your hot water tank a hug. Put an insolation blanket on it.
  • Don't daddle in the shower. Save on water and heating bills.
  • Just 2 degrees makes a big difference. Adjust your thermostate 2 degrees in the winter and summer.
  • Dispose of hazardous waste properly. (Batteries, too.) Cuyahoga county residents can go to the Hazard Round-up in May to dispose of unwanted hazards. Including your old cleaning products. They should not be put in the garbage!
  • Know your plastics! Look on the bottom of containers and purchase products with #1 and #2 labels. These are easy to recycle and don't leave harzardous toxins in the environment. (AVOID # 7 or PC and #3 or V. These are made from bisphenol A and phthalates. YUCK!
  • Carpool. Hmmm....that reminds me.
  • Idling Autos? Turn it off or leave it on? Leave it on if you'll be there less than a minute, otherwise it is more efficient to turn it off and restart it when you're ready to go.
  • Plant a tree or 2 or 10! Offset your family's CO2 emissions. Great as gifts too.
Keeping our home healthy is our responsibility, so do everything you can.
Thank you for your time.
If you have any questions or to order Get Clean at the Special "Oprah" Price:
Please contact me: vaderiye00@comcast.net
I can't wait to hear from you!
Let's Be The Generation That Made The Difference.
To Saving The Planet,
Vincent Aderiye

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Essential Traits of Good Character

The following are what I believe to be the basics of good character. Miss one of these and you will find a weak link in your character - one that may be your undoing as it relates to your leadership. As you go through the following, give sober reflection to your life as it relates to these integral parts of good character.

1. Integrity. Integrity is a good catch word that is similar to character but provides us with a different way of looking at the idea of character. The root word of integrity means "whole" or "undivided." That is a terrific way to help us understand what integrity is--it is a life that is undivided. For example, you don't act one way in one situation and another in a different situation. There is integrity and wholeness to your life. Living this way will build trust in your followers. Another use of the word integrity that provides insight for us is when the word is used in regard to a physical structure. A wall or a building that is strong and has no cracks is said to have integrity. The same could be said for great leaders.

2. Honesty. It is regularly said that, "Honesty is the best policy," but I would add that honesty is the only policy for great leaders. Think about it. Why do people hedge the truth? Usually for a few basic reasons--one, they are afraid of the ramifications or two, they are trying to hide something. Either way, it results in the fact that you destroy the trust of those who follow you. Even if you tell them the truth but they know you have lied to others, it will destroy the trust you had with them. They find themselves thinking, "If he will lie to them, will he lie to me?"

I have never understood what people hope to accomplish by being dishonest. As the good Book says, "Your sin shall surely find you out." Eventually people come to know that you are not honest in your dealings, and that is what you become known for. And your reputation is what your leadership is based on. When we are honest and live transparently before our followers, they are able to see us for who we are and make solid decisions to follow.

3. Loyalty. People of good character are loyal people. They have a "stick-to-it" attitude when it comes to others. Anybody who knows human nature knows that people fail. It is just a matter of time, no matter how talented someone is. A person of good character stays with their friends even in the down times. Anyone can be friends with others when times are good. People of good character stay with them when they need it most. Where this translates into making you a good leader is this: people want to follow a leader who will stretch them beyond where they are now, but who will also allow them to try--and to fail. When we are loyal to our followers, they will be loyal to us and make every effort to succeed on our behalf and on behalf of the organization.
There are few things that strengthen the leader/follower bond more than when a leader shows his or her loyalty to a follower who needs it.

4. Self-Sacrifice. Lee Iacocca became a legend when he said that he would bring Chrysler back from the brink of bankruptcy and would take only one dollar a year in pay. This was a classic example of a leader sacrificing for the
followers. It also showed his understanding of empathizing with the average line worker. And the workers of Chrysler rewarded him with an incredible following as they built Chrysler into one of the world's leading car companies. What is it about self-sacrifice that breeds followers? Followers do not mind putting in the hard work. They don't even mind a leader making more money or reaping benefits from their work. What followers do mind though, is when the leader is using them for his or her own personal gain. People of good character do not use other people--period. So when a leader shows sacrifice of personal gain, it says to the followers that he or she is willing to come along side of them - and followers reward that almost universally. A person of good character shows that they can give up personal gain for the good of the whole.

5. Accountability. People of good character do not mind accountability. In fact, they welcome it. This is the act of allowing others to have a say in your life, to speak to you straight about your life and conduct. The brutal truth is that we have blind spots and need other people to be in close relationship with us so we can advance down the road of success. The need for accountability doesn't prove lack of character. Rather, it proves the presence of character. G.K. Chesterton said that, "Original sin is the only philosophy empirically validated by 3,500 years of human history." The person of good character knows this and invites others to speak into his or her life.

We see this is especially true now with all that has gone on among our leaders lately. Followers are growing tired of those leaders who will have nothing to do with accountability. They do not mind leaders who make mistakes. They do mind leaders who will not take responsibility for those mistakes by being accountable. When we allow ourselves to be held accountable, our followers know that we are serious about keeping our own house in order and thus will do a good job in leading the rest of the organization.

6. Self-control. The ability to make decisions - good decisions - about what we will and will not do with our actions is at the core of what we become in regard to our character. There will be plenty of options to participate in things that are not moral. Everybody has temptations, but the person of good character knows well enough to exercise self-control, literal control over his or her choices. When people do not exercise self-control, they sabotage their ability to lead. People lose respect for them and will follow less, if at all. Self-control is the ability to choose to do the things we should and to refrain from doing the things we shouldn't. When we exhibit self-control we again build trust in our followers. They respect us and want to follow us.

You can strengthen your character. We are born with clean slates. As we grow, there are many influences that shape our character--our parents, teachers, friends, and choices all mold that inner character. The good news is that no matter where you are right now, you can decide that your character will grow stronger. You can choose to be around those people who will challenge you to become better. You can choose to put positive materials into your mind and heart. You can begin making choices that reflect a change in lifestyle, and thus, in character. No one is "stuck." You can change - if you want to!

Vincent Aderiye



Success University

Friday, March 30, 2007

Generic Funded Sponsoring

A Completely Different Approach To Building a Business Took Me From Broke To $2,500 A Day, Working Only Part-Time – And I'm Convinced Anybody Can Copy What I'm Doing No Matter What Business You're Trying to Build, Once You Let Me Teach You For FREE!!

What My Funded Sponsoring Franchise Will Do For You

Have Your Prospects Pay You Before You Even Show Them Your Business.

Have Buyers Knocking Down Your Door To Join You With Credit Card in Hand, Rather Than Cold Calling.

Put Money In Your Pocket Even If Prospects Don't Ever Join Your Business.

Eliminate You Spending Money On Questionable Leads or Traffic.

Free Instant Access To Our Step-By-Step Internet Marketing Success Guide, Filled With Internet Traffic Generating Secrets That You Would Normally Pay $1000's Of Dollars To Online Gurus To Learn

Simple Way To Empower Your Entire Team To Become Profitable Home Based Business Owners Overnight, So Your Attrition Will Be Virtually ZERO

Endless Supply Of Prospects For You And Your Downline.

Discover How To Make Instant Profits, Even If You Suck At Recruiting Or Sponsoring

Build A Roledex Of Network Marketers Who Know You, Like You, And Trust You.

Completely Free Website To Convert Opt-In Members At An Industry High Rate.

Daily Access To Our Exclusive Live Mentoring And Training Calls With Industry Experts Currently Earning 7 Figure Incomes.


See the potential with Shaklee

Fast Start Training

We want your experience with Shaklee and our Advanced Mentoring Team to be a good one, so it is vital that you have a Success Blueprint meeting with your sponsor/enroller within 24 hours of joining. If you haven't done this already, please make sure you have a time scheduled to do that ASAP. During this meeting your sponsor will answer any questions you may have and guide you through our step-by-step process to get you earning profits quickly.

The purpose of our Fast Start Training guide is to get you to see the potential with Shaklee and the Advanced Mentoring Team and prepare you for the Success Blueprint meeting that you should have scheduled with your sponsor. The sooner you complete this fast start traing and get back in touch with your sponsor the quicker we can get you earning money!

Simply complete the three steps below right now!

STEP 1 - Watch the Shaklee vision video. Click Here

STEP 2 - Pick A Category & Review The Fast Start Program

Choose Your Category

There are several ways Shaklee can enhance your life--depending on your own personal needs, goals and lifestyle. The Advanced Mentoring Team has 3 levels of participation (3 Categories). Please review all 3 categories in order make a decision on which one suits you best at this time. Also, please note: Whatever Category you choose today, understand, that this is something you can change at any time depending on your personal needs, goals and lifestyle. We encourage you go through this entire series no matter what category you choose.

CATEGORY 1 - You care enough about your health or your family's health that you would prefer to shop for products that are non-toxic and safe for them. You would also like to earn $500 to $2,500 a month from the income opportunity Shaklee offers.

CATEGORY 2 - You care enough about your health or your family's health that you would prefer to shop for products that are non-toxic and safe for them. You would also like to earn $1,000 to $5,000 a month from the income opportunity Shaklee offers.

CATEGORY 3 - You care enough about your health or your family's health that you would prefer to shop for products that are non-toxic and safe for them. You would also like to earn $10,000+ a month or more from the income opportunity Shaklee offers.


Review Fast Start To Wellness Information

Please review the Fast Start To Wellness information and benefits. To understand how this pack can impact your new business and get you started the right way!

Ordering a Shaklee Fast Start To Wellness pack is an important decision as you start your business, especially if you are serious about building quickly. First, it provides you with the most efficient way to experience some of Shaklee's top products right away. This exposure will immediately help you gain belief in the products, business and this company!

Below are some really important and additional benefits of getting started the right way.....

Your Business Will Grow Faster & Be More Stable!

  • This business is about duplication and if you get started with a Fast Start Pack, it's most likely the people you sponsor will also get one too!

  • Every time a new person you sponsor purchases one like you did, you will get a $100 Fast Start Bonus!

A Fast Start To Wellness Pack = Belief = Excitement = Success

According to Advanced Mentoring Team statistics, Business Builders who purchase a Fast Start To Wellness Pak achieve:

  • Director – 8 times faster

  • Customer Retention – 57% higher

  • Average order – 54 Product Points higher = $$

  • (More Residual Income and Lower Attrition for you)

It’s Tax Deductible!

Now that you own a home-based business, you can deduct these products from your taxes.

It’s Risk Free!

If You Choose To Get Started With The Fast Start To Wellness Pack, You Will Be Getting Started The Right Way And Begin To Follow In The Foot Steps Of The Leaders That Have Acheived Total Financial Freedom...Make A Smart Choice!

Whether you say you can or you can't...you're right! 20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the things you did.

- Mark Twain

STEP 3 Contact Your Shaklee Sponsor

Your Fast Start Training is now complete, please call back your sponsor to complete your success blueprint & start building your new business....You Can Start Making Money Right Away!

Your sponsor will guide you through an action plan to get you into profits with your new business within minutes. Call them now!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Secrets To Success With Shaklee

If you can return a few phone calls each day and provide some basic customer service,

No Selling! No Explaining! No Risk!

To be successful in your own business, you must determine the most important activities that drive the business and then you must do them consistently. Over the past several years I've been teaching and implementing the 7 Steps To Success that drive a network marketing business. As I talk to and meet with other Shaklee associates, I am suprised by how many of those who want to be successful cannot tell me the key activities they are engaged in. This is a business. We, as business operators, need to know, understand and implement those activities that drive our success. We must be hard at it, doing those things every day.

Those who are waiting for some gimmick or secret system to propel them into motion will never experience the reality of success. Nothing replaces hard work! Nothing! Of course, we could all work hard doing the wrong thing. That's why it is essential that we each understand what those 7 Steps To Success With Shaklee are. Learn them. Teach them to your people. Implement them daily.


Thursday, February 15, 2007


In 1995, Maggie Wei left China to come to the U.S. to pursue an education and a better way of life. Like so many immigrants before her, Wei knew the American dream of happiness and financial security required tireless work and dedication. Fortuitously, her path led her to a financially rewarding career that gave her the freedom to balance work with life.

Wei earned a B.S. degree in Finance from Bentley College in Waltham, Mass. and landed her first job at a respected accounting firm. While she enjoyed her work, it didn't take her long to realize that her true passion was to be her own boss. She wanted to be in charge of her career, her time and her income potential, and not be beholden to her employer for her next promotion. But she had one small problem - she just didn't know where to begin.

"My education prepared me to be an employee, not an entrepreneur," she said. "I knew that I wanted to start my own business, but I just didn't think I had the time or the money to make that commitment."

The impending birth of her daughter led Wei to evaluate her life's priorities. That led to the realization that her first priority as a mother was to be a role model and source of inspiration for her daughter. A chance encounter with a family friend was the catalyst that helped her on a path that would lead to a home-based business and financial security while remaining true to her goal of motherhood.

During a dinner conversation in 2004, Wei learned about Shaklee Corporation and its line of natural health products. She was familiar with traditional Chinese medicine and believed strongly in the benefits of herbs and vitamin supplements. Her friend explained that Shaklee's nutritional products embraced the best of East and West by using modern science to improve on ancient remedies.

When she learned that her dinner guest had also achieved financial independence as a Shaklee Distributor, she was keen to know more. Wei learned about Shaklee's method of direct selling and thought that it was an appealing business model. Shaklee Distributors are independent contractors who sell Shaklee products directly to end-users through a network of family and friends. The company also sets up online web-stores to expand a Distributor's success beyond personal connections and geography.

Before making a commitment to become a Shaklee distributor, she decided to test the products for herself. Like many Chinese, Wei grew up taking herbs and nutritional supplements. So the first product she tried was the Shaklee Essential Foundation line of vitamins, nutritional supplements, soy protein drinks, and other nutritional supplements. Within months, Wei felt a dramatic improvement in her energy level. She felt vibrant, energetic, clear-minded and focused. She also introduced her husband to Shaklee Essential Foundation. The Shaklee nutrition products gave him the energy boost he needed to sustain an exercise program that led to a 16-pound weight loss. Wei traded in a sedentary lifestyle for one that included daily workouts and running.

"I used to get winded just walking around the block," she said. "Shaklee's products really helped me get focused on improving my overall health and well-being. I just finished my first half-marathon and I couldn't have done that without the extra boost from Shaklee."

Though she was now a firm believer in the value of Shaklee's products, Wei wasn't convinced that she could be a successful direct seller. Her biggest fear was failure and rejection.

"When I learned about Shaklee's commitment to the success of its Independent Distributors I took the plunge and signed on as a Shaklee Distributor," commented Wei. After attending Shaklee-sponsored workshops and training meetings, Wei felt she had the confidence, tools, and skills to finally be her own boss.

"Shaklee makes it easy to succeed," said Wei. "In addition to the great training classes in direct selling, they even taught me how to set up a home-office and an online website to sell the products."

Now a successful entrepreneur with her own home-based business, Wei mentors new Distributors and still has time for her top priority, her family. In 2005, she expects to earn a six-figure income* and run the San Francisco marathon.

And what are her goals for the future?

"I plan to make a million dollars within the next few years by spreading health and wellness and the Shaklee income opportunity to Chinese people worldwide," she said.




Bill Taylor, Coordinator, Virginia

Bravo: Of all companies, why did you choose to build a business with Shaklee?

Bill Taylor: I really did not plan to build a business – I just chose Shaklee for the nutritional supplements for my health. After talking with my sponsor, Sheryl Menah and realizing how much I was spending on products, I discovered I could earn a bonus on products I purchased for my own use plus any I sold, and I thought, “What the heck!” I have a pretty large database of accounting customers, and I thought I might be able to interest some of them in Shaklee.

Bravo: What was the turning point in your success?

Bill Taylor: Soon after starting some of the basic start-up products, I started feeling not just better, but like SUPERMAN. I had not felt that good in 15 years.

Bravo: What has helped you succeed?

Bill Taylor: Most of my accounting clients hadn't seen me in a while, so they just looked at me and wanted to know what had happened. People were asking if I'd had hair plugs or transplants, if I'd gone on a diet, if I'd had a face lift. It just went on and on.

Bravo: What is your best time management tip?

Bill Taylor: My biggest challenge is time management and keeping up with the paperwork. I am a very successful CPA, and I started my accounting business 27 years ago in the little county of Camden, North Carolina. I guess when you are growing as fast as I am you have to take the good with the bad. I did not expect my Shaklee business to grow so quickly. I do my accounting in the daytime and Shaklee in the early evening. It seems to work out fine for me.

Bravo: What about your life has improved since you began your Shaklee business? What are your biggest benefits in terms of time, money, and outlook?

Bill Taylor: The biggest and best benefit of Shaklee is how much better I feel. There is no amount of money that I can place on that – it seems to keep getting better.

Bravo: What about Shaklee do you typically share with new people?

Bill Taylor: Mostly how much better I feel. In terms of products, I usually start with Wellness Pack, especially the NutriFeron™, which is included in the pack. Then it spreads into the personal care and skin care, and of course I always mention the cleaning products, telling them they might save enough money in a year's time to take a vacation.

Bravo: What is your next goal, and how are you going to reach it?

Bill Taylor: My goal is to train someone to take over my accounting business, eventually phase out of it, and do Shaklee full–time because it is so rewarding. In the meantime, building the Shaklee business will help ensure a stream of income in future years.



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Steady Business

Margaret Trost likes to describe her life with an old

Creole saying: “Little by little, we will arrive.”

She finds both comfort and truth in this motto

that has successfully guided her through many challenges over

the years.

“Small step by small step, you can make big things

happen,” she says. “I’ve seen that in my Shaklee business and

in life.” Now, the 15-year Shaklee veteran is using her financial

and personal success to help impoverished families improve

their lives one step at a time.

Originally working in public television for many years,

Margaret was ready to leave TV production and sought an

opportunity to work more closely with other people and to

make a difference in their lives.

So when she discovered Shaklee’s health and wellness

products soon after leaving the world of television, Margaret

decided to give the business—and its products—a try. She

was so impressed with the results that she became a part-time

Distributor, transitioning into the business full-time when her

son Luke was born in 1992. Margaret still uses the products to

this day and credits them with her great health.

A believer in Shaklee product quality and integrity,

Margaret is equally passionate about the people and the

atmosphere of support, whether it’s sharing a technique with

a colleague across the country or an encouraging word to a

fellow Distributor.

However, the Shaklee support that meant the most to

Margaret was the ability of her business to support her family

when her husband unexpectedly died. Emotionally devastated,

Margaret would have been too shaken to return to a traditional

job, but her home business maintained itself while she sorted

through the grieving process.

“I needed to pull back for a while, taking care of Luke and

myself,” she says. “But my business still grew. My customers

reordered and the Distributors in my business kept building

their own businesses. My income was solid and steady in a

period in which I was not. For that, I’ll always be grateful.”

Much like that chance meeting with a Shaklee

Distributor 15 years ago, Margaret stumbled upon a chance

to help thousands. She accepted a last-minute invitation on

a two-week volunteer project in Haiti. Knowing little about

the country, she arrived and was devastated by the

tremendous need.

Returning home, she shared her desire to make a

difference much in the same way she grew her Shaklee

business—conversation by conversation, contact by contact.

Soon, checks began arriving. “Shaklee makes it possible for

me to earn enough to support my family and also build my

foundation,” Margaret says.

Today her What If? Foundation feeds children in Haiti

five days a week, serving 800 to 1,000 people daily. Because

she makes over $100,000 a year working just 15 hours a week,

Margaret is able to devote half of her time to her personal

mission, half to her Shaklee business and the many people who

are part of it.

She’s just trying to make a difference, little by little. n

If you’re interested in becoming a Shaklee Distributor,

call 240-477-3021 today or visit www.shaklee.net/vtaone

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Modifications You Can Make To Support the Hardest Working Muscle In Your Body

Health Sciences Bulletin

February 2007

Modifications You Can Make To Support the Hardest Working Muscle In Your Body - Your Heart

Your heart - it beats on average 100,000 times a day and pumps the equivalent of 2,000 gallons of blood each day. Imagine what a workhorse our hearts must be! So vital to our life and yet not well taken care of by most of us. Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming close to a million lives each year. Over 30 million Americans live with the burden of heart disease; 60 million Americans have been diagnosed with hypertension, a major risk factor for heart disease.

While traditionally considered a "man's disease," heart disease has become a serious health challenge for women as well. Cardiovascular disease kills over 500,000 women each year, more than the next seven causes of death combined. To give you a perspective, 1 in every 2.5 women will die of heart disease and stroke, compared to 1 in every 30 women who will die from breast cancer. What may be the most important information is that heart disease in women presents with different symptoms and physicians tend to under-diagnose the disease in women. In fact, more than half of women who die of coronary heart disease have either had no classic symptoms, or have been misdiagnosed as anxiety, stress or musculoskeletal disorders. Part of the challenge comes from the fact that coronary artery disease in women tends to present with symptoms like shortness of breath or fatigue rather than the classic "crushing" substernal pain that is more typical in men. Research conducted by NIH with 515 women surprisingly revealed that fewer than 30% of women reported having chest pain or discomfort prior to their heart attacks, and 43% reported have no chest pain at all during any phase of the attack. The most common symptoms they reported were unusual fatigue, sleep disturbances and shortness of breath. So, whether you are male or female, today is the day to put your heart health on the radar screen.

So, let's talk about what you can do. First of all, let's assess your risk and then determine what you can do to lower your risks. Yes, there is much you can do to hopefully prevent a catastrophic event from happening to you down the road! The seven major risk factors for coronary artery disease are: 1) family history, 2) obesity, 3) hypertension, 4) elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, 5) Type 2 Diabetes, 6) smoking and 7) sedentary lifestyle. Well, only one of these risk factors is not in your control. You cannot change your family history, but knowledge is good --so, if your family tree includes heart attacks, strokes and diabetes, it behooves you to look at the other 6 risk factors -- because these are all modifiable risks that you have control over! Knowing your risk factors is the first step in preventing heart disease. Once you know your risk factors, you can begin to take the steps needed to reducing your chances of developing heart disease.

Modifiable Risk Factor 1: Being overweight or obese
If you're like 65% of Americans who are overweight or obese the number one thing you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease is to achieve a healthy weight. Too much body fat, especially around your waist, puts you at higher risk. Being overweight or obese also increase your risk of other conditions like high cholesterol and triglycerides, stroke and Type 2 Diabetes. So by losing weight you can begin to reduce your risk of heart disease. And the good news is you don't have to lose a lot of weight to start to improve your health. Modest weight loss of even as little as 5-10% can significantly improve your cholesterol, blood pressure and risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Modifiable Risk Factor 2: Having High Blood Cholesterol levels
You can have high cholesterol and not know it because in the early phases of accumulation of cholesterol plaque in your arteries, there are no symptoms! This buildup of plaque can narrow your arteries and reduce blood flow ultimately leading to arterial blockage or blood clots in arteries that feed the heart and brain. This in turn can cause a heart attack or stroke. Lifestyle changes like improving your diet and increasing your physical activity can help lower your cholesterol. Consistently eating a diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes and low fat sources of protein (like soy protein) can help lower cholesterol and protect your heart. The FDA has recognized that the consumption of 25 grams or more of soy protein per day may reduce your risk of heart disease. Choosing healthy sources of fats is also incredibly important. You need to limit your intake of saturated fat (the type found in beef, butter, cheese and regular fat dairy products) and completely avoid trans fats (found in fast foods, bakery products, packaged snack foods and some margarines) as these have been clearly linked to increasing the risk of heart disease. Simultaneously, it is prudent to switch to monounsaturated fats (found in olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds), as regular consumption of these fats has been shown to decrease your risk of heart disease. Another important heart healthy fat is omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat found in foods like fish and flaxseed that may also help protect your heart by decreasing your risk of heart attack, protect against irregular heartbeats and helping to lower triglycerides and blood pressure. Fiber is another important part of a healthy diet. Look for dark breads that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving, whole grain cereal that provides at least 6 grams of fiber per serving. Fiber supplements that provide at least 5 grams of fiber, preferably a blend of soluble and insoluble fiber are a prudent addition for anyone dealing with elevated lipids.

Modifiable Risk Factor 3: Having High Blood Pressure
You can also have high blood pressure or hypertension and not know it. With elevated blood pressure, your heart is working harder than normal, pushing your blood with too much pressure against your artery walls. This in turn may enlarge your heart and damage your arteries and significantly increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. What can you do? Well, if you are overweight, losing weight can make a significant difference in your blood pressure. Eating a heart healthy diet rich in plant foods and heart healthy fats can also help. And make sure to get adequate amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium but watch your sodium intake. Studies indicate that populations who consume diets rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, but limit sodium intake have lower blood pressure. Regular physical exercise also tends to strengthen the cardiovascular system and lower blood pressure. And, again, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to support healthy blood pressure and help to maintain healthy heart rhythm.

Modifiable Risk Factor 4: Having Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes is a serious and increasingly common disease in which the body doesn't properly use insulin, the hormone produced by the pancreas that is responsible for transporting sugar in the blood into cells of the body where it can be metabolized. Left untreated, blood sugar levels increase and will damage blood vessels, thus increasing the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Being overweight and sedentary are two big risk factors for developing Type 2 Diabetes, and once again, modest weight loss can help prevent diabetes from developing in the first place. If you already have diabetes, weight loss, improvements in your diet and the addition of fiber can help to naturally improve your blood sugar control. Regular visits to your health care provider are critical if you already have diabetes. If you have a family member with diabetes or you are overweight, have your doctor screen you for diabetes, which can often be without symptoms until it is advanced.

Modifiable Risk Factor 5: Being Physically Inactive
Being a couch potato increases your likelihood of developing heart disease. And increasing your physical activity can make a big difference. If you're overweight it will help you burn calories, it will also help lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. If you don't have time to do all 30 minutes at once, no worries, breaking it up into shorter periods of exercise is fine just be sure it all adds up to 30 minutes a day. In addition to vigorous activities like walking, running, or swimming, simple day to day activities count too. Activities like gardening, housework, mowing the lawn are all activities that can help improve your heart health.

Modifiable Risk Factor 6: Smoking
Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the United States. Even second hand smoke, constantly breathing in smoke from someone else's cigarette or cigar also increases your risk of developing heart disease and other serious conditions like cancer. If you smoke the best thing you can do for your health and the health of others around you is to quit. Discuss quitting with your doctor. He or she can help direct you to a smoking cessation program that's right for you.

So in honor of February - Heart Health Month - Shaklee wants to be sure you are taking special care of your most prized possession, your heart. Learn if you have any risk factors and take the necessary action outlined in this Bulletin to modify your risk - starting today. Start by following a heart healthy weight and inch loss plan and increasing your physical activity level. In addition, consider the use of heart-smart dietary supplements as added nutritional support. Incorporate soy protein and soluble fiber into your diet. Eat a diet rich in plant foods like whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, other lean protein and heart healthy fats. Be sure you are consuming adequate amounts of homocysteine lowering folic acid, Vitamins B6 and B12. Make sure to get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. If you are concerned about contaminants in fresh fish, consider a pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement that will bring you a full spectrum of omega-3 fatty acids including EPA for hearth health and DHA to support brain function. And don't forget about Coenzyme Q10, to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the form of cholesterol that makes up the plaque that builds up inside artery walls. People who take statin type drugs may be depleted in coenzyme Q10.

So, enjoy a few bites of mouth-watering dark chocolate on Valentine's Day (for its heart healthy polyphenols, of course) and then go for a walk with your "honey." Talk about your excitement about incorporating exercise, healthy eating and wise supplementation into your daily routine so that you can enjoy the coming year with energy and vitality--and the confidence that you are taking care of your heart.

Be well.

Vincent Aderiye



Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Powerful personal testimony about the Shaklee difference.


My son Benjamin was born with extreme colic, for the first 3 months of his life. He was a very fussy baby into early childhood. He suffered from chronic ear and respiratory infections, extreme temper tantrums, constant discipline problems and slow learning problems in pre-K. At 4yrs old he had a mandatory surgery for ear tubes, adenoid removal and tonsil removal. This solved the hearing problems and sleep apnea, but all the other problems began to increase to unbearable levels. At the same time we were going through a divorce from a physically abusive situation and Benjamin was lashing out in violent ways.

Everyday was miserable and I suffered from extreme depression and anxiety for years to come. I couldn't seem to find the help I needed and I became too "wiped out" to keep looking or asking for solutions. Living with Benjamin was like walking on eggshells and I began to worry that he had "Borderline Personality Disorder" or "Bi-Polar"(from his Dad's family). His pediatrician said he was too young to determine anything. Over the next 4yrs he got worse. I was forced to a medical leave do to a work injury (lasting 5yrs).The pain and severity were amplified 10 fold by the family stress of Benjamin's problems, divorce and living in a one-bedroom apartment with my 2 sons.

Both sons went through extensive counseling. Benjamin's counselor suggested he be tested for ADHD and "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" He tested high for both. His Pediatrician then wanted to start him on Concerta for his ADHD. This brought him a very minor ability to focus on school (yet still getting "Cs, Ds” and incompletes) & no relief for the anger, depression or violent out bursts. It also made him lose weight and couldn't fall asleep until at least 2hrs after he went to bed! Meanwhile, his brother Nathan was having mini-nervous breakdowns because he hated the way his brother treated him and me, having bed-wetting problems up through 11yrs old.

When Benjamin turned 9, he had the worst violent outburst of wrath ever and I had to call 911, they sent a "PERT" team (Psychiatric Emergency Response Team) and police. The next day he was admitted into the Children's Mental Health Clinic for 7days and was put on Straterra for ADHD and Depacote for violent behavior. He was in a daze and behavioral stupor for 2 months and my hopelessness for any "real" solutions exhausted me. I needed to get work and wanted to get work in the health and wellness field.

I responded to an advertisement and interviewed to work from home with Shaklee. I had taken Shaklee vitamins off and on for 26yrs, yet never thought to do the business or use the nutritional products to get my family well ! So, 2 months after Benjamin's release from the hospital I started in Shaklee. By re-educating myself in the world of nutrition that I already had decades of experience with, I was able to find out a wealth of knowledgeable choices to heal Benjamin, Nathan and myself. The following were the health and wellness measures that worked for Benjamin:

B complex: 2-4/day

Chewable Cal-Mag: 2 tablets/night before bed.

Omegaguard: 3/day

Vita Lea: 2/day

Nutriferon: 2/day

Pre&Probiotic set: 2capsule/day with powder in drink

Soy Protein: 2TBLS/day in juice w/o corn syrup or in a fresh or frozen fruit smoothie.

Air Source 3000: Clarifies the air from toxins & allergens which antagonize his ehavior.

Shaklee Cleaning Products Only! : For laundry, house cleaning and dishes. Non-toxic is the only way to go, his behavior also changed for the better when toxic chemical cleaners stopped being used in our home: Bleach, misc. cleaners and deodorizers. For my son Nathan who has had chronic allergies, sinusitis, asthma, bed-wetting, and emotional problems (anger and depression). steming from his abusive home with his Dad and all the problems his brother Benjamin was going through, had great success with the following Shaklee health product solutions:

Alfalfa: 10/day

Vita Lea: 2/day

Omegaguard: 3/day

B-Complex: 2/day

Vita-C: Prefers 2 chewable twice/day

Air Source 3000: for the above reasons & stopped his & my severe cat allergies from our family cat!

Shaklee Cleaning Products Only: Eliminating his allergy response to household environment.

Special note on dietary changes and eliminations: We minimalized and/or stopped most refined sugars (cane sugar, corn syrup liquid or solids), rather using honey or real maple syrup instead.

Switched to 100 percent whole wheat or soy flour for baking or in-store purchased foods (Beware most breads and refined foods you buy have sugar in them!).

Stopped eating all foods with MSG, which is in hundreds, if not, thousands of foods. Be aware that "Aspartame"(nutisweet) converts to a glutamate when digested and will cause the same allergic reaction in people who are allergic to MSG (both my sons react with emotional and anger problems, as well as, respiratory distress).

Benjamin also suffered from chronic headaches, yet I'm not sure which of the above stopped those, but their gone! However, if he eats sugar in something, a headache will usually occur. This also applies to me, for I suffered from chronic migraines for years and rarely have them anymore with my Shaklee vitamin regiment, though whenever I eat refined sugars or flour I would usually get a bad headache. (I’m thinking the guys who discovered how to refine cane sugar and flour should be brought up on charges for the lives they've made miserable with deteriorating health!)

After we used the Shaklee products regularly for 6mos.+ our lives changed in the following dramatic ways: Benjamin came off of Psych meds, ceased having violent outbursts, has minimal emotional outbursts, started getting A's and B's in school and passed the 5th grade with flying colors, regained a healthy appetite, his headaches stopped, he started falling asleep with in minutes of going to bed, he became stronger and filled out more, his gingivitis went away and his hair and nails became healthier. Nathan's asthma was completely gone, his allergies subsided to minimal(his cat allergies were gone), his chronic sinusitis went away, he stopped bed-wetting, his fatigue issues from his mild depression were gone and he had a lot of energy and less fighting with his brother throughout the day.

I suffered from depression/anxiety, migraine headaches, extreme fatigue, chronic pain (was on pain medicines and anti-inflammatory drugs for 6yrs), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Peri-menopausal (severe hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, irregular cycles), 80lbs overweight, candida overgrowth (leading to many of these health problems), memory problems, insomnia, extreme environmental and food allergies, sinusitis, fungal nails and slow growing hair. The following Shaklee health solutions worked for me:

Vita-Lea, Vita-C, B-Complex, Vita-E complex, nutriferon, alfalfa, lecithin, Osteomatrix, CorEnergy, Carotomax, Stress Relief Complex, Joint Health Complex, Omegaguard, Menopause Balancing Complex, Garlic, Liver DTX, Zinc, HerbLax, Pro&Prebiotic, plain Soy Protein and Slim Plan Gold.

In the last year using these vitamins my health has changed in the following ways: My depression & anxiety is gone, migraines gone, fatigue minimal, chronic pain gone, high blood pressure medicine lowered to half the previous dose, cholesterol lowered 100pts from 1-1/2yrs ago, Peri-Menopausal symptoms minimalized, I lost 20lbs, my candida overgrowth is minimal, memory problems are gone, insomnia minimal, environmental allergies and sinusitis minimal & nearly gone, food allergies gone with diet control and my hair and nails are healthier and stronger.

This is a large-sized chunk of my family's testimony of "The Shaklee Difference". I am truly greatful for Shaklee and their wonderful products. Heather Cahn

To our Health & Wealth,